I love the fact that the guy who books our large clubs/small theaters & amphitheaters always calls me to find out how I think someone will do for sales. Usually it's someone that he can't fathom people liking but wonders if people like me might be in the market for. For example, he just called me and said "What do you say if I say, David Archuletta?" Just because I listen to Bob Guiney's and Paris Hilton's CDs and paid to attend the Clay Aiken concert a few years ago doesn't mean I have bad musical taste.
Oh wait, yes it does.
For those of you new to the blog click here and here to find out what a disgrace I am to my co-workers. It truly is sad.
6 months ago
But you left out the best part, what WAS your reply?
I told him that I stopped watching American Idol years ago but that teenage girls and mothers with secret crushes on him would attend and that he could probably sell out HOB.
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