Jake is on us to have another baby. He really wants to be a big brother. Needless to say it isn't going to happen without medical intervention and a different set of parents because we are d-o-n-e. We've tried convincing Jake that having a younger sibling can actually be a pain in the ass....just ask Hannah.
This morning Lincoln was telling me more about their trip to the playground yesterday and how Hannah was in awe when some older boys showed up. Lincoln thinks they were about 12 years old or so. Hannah decided she was going to go "look at the trees" and very subtly went to sit on a swing by herself, facing the trees, so that she could watch the boys that were between the swings and the trees.
EXHIBIT A why younger siblings suck:
Me: I hear you were checking out the boys at the playground yesterday.
Hannah: No I wasn't! I wanted to swing.
Me: Suuure. It's okay to check out the cute boys.
Hannah: I was looking at the trees!
Jake: No she wasn't!!!
I rest my case.
6 months ago
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