Monday, June 29, 2009

Another Darn Hallmark Holiday

I have a major Chapstick obsession. I have them in my desk, in my car, in my purse, in my pocket, in my bathroom, in the get the idea. Every year for Christmas Lincoln puts like 25-30 of them in my stocking. Then for Valentine's Day 2008 he put another 20 or so in with my gift. Add that to the other 25-30 he gave me this past Christmas and I've been doing pretty good on my Chapstick stockpile.

Me: Uh oh. My stock of Chapsticks is getting low. You may need to restock me for my birthday....if I can last that long.

Lincoln: I'm sorry but you don't get a stocking for your birthday.

Me: I hear that 4th of July is a gift giving holiday for men to their wives.

Lincoln: Oh yeah, where did you hear that?

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