Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Despite having a blog I'm slow when it comes around to getting on the technology bandwagon. By the time I got around to setting up a MySpace page I was told Facebook was the way to go and that MySpace was "obsolete". Then of course Twitter came along. But I'm slowly warming up to Facebook.

This past week a very good friend of mine from high school in Arkansas (hi Cody!) contacted me via Facebook. I hadn't chatted with him since college and he wasn't at the 10 year reunion so it was great to hear from him. After I was "friended" by him it started quite the cascading effect and now I've found a number of more high school pals online.

If it wasn't a small enough world already it just got a little smaller and I, for one, am okay with that.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I feel ya sister. It took me forever to get my facebook page set up and sorted out too. Slowly, but surely, I am warming up to it as well.