Last week we received a parental homework assignment from Hannah's teacher. Apparently she is putting together a memory book for each child that she will give to them at the end of the year. She has asked the parents to write a letter to their child as a "surprise" in the book. Lincoln and I just finished our letter. Here it is:
Dear Hannah,
Wow! We can’t believe that you’re almost done with 2nd grade. You are now officially over halfway done with elementary school. We are so grateful that you had Mrs. Bomba for a teacher this year and we know that you’re sad to leave her class as you move onto 3rd grade next year.
This has been a very busy year for you. At Christmas time you told us that you wanted a sewing machine for Christmas. Since Mommy already had a sewing machine we decided to give that to you and sign you up for sewing lessons. We are constantly amazed at the beautiful things that you have been making in class. So far you’ve made a hat and scarf, a poncho (which you wear all the time), a tote bag, and a beautiful dress. You are an absolutely wonderful seamstress.
This spring you also learned to ride your bike without training wheels. Your friend Christina McGann taught you how and Mommy and Daddy went out and bought you a new bike on Memorial Day. We love watching you ride around the yard and look forward to watching you discover the freedom and joy the ability to ride a bike can give you.
At the end of February we all flew out to visit Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Debbie, and Uncle Mark in California. Grandma and Grandpa had rented a place in Needles, CA but we also got to spend some time in Las Vegas and even visited Lake Havasu, AZ where Grandma B used to live. It was a great trip and we all had a very fun time.
We have enjoyed hearing from Mrs. Bomba how much you love school and how you appreciate so much of the written word. At our Parent/Teacher conference last fall Mrs. Bomba told us about how you truly understand and appreciate poetry at a much higher level than most of your classmates. This spring you wrote your Amazing Chameleons (A Humor Alphabet Book) and it truly showcased what a unique sense of humor you have. Your sense of humor is very similar to both Mommy’s and Daddy’s.
This school year was also the first year that Mommy did the yearbook for Memorial School. It was a lot of hard work and it took a lot of time away from you and Jake but you were such a trooper helping with Jake while Mommy worked on the book and you were so incredibly helpful and responsible in taking papers to and from school for Mommy. I hope that you always enjoy the wonderful keepsake that a yearbook can be when you grow up and look back at your elementary school years.
The two of us are incredibly proud of you and can’t wait to see what wonderful things you achieve in the years to come. You are a beautiful, smart, talented little girl and you continue to amaze us with everything you are and everything you do. We love you very much and we’re so glad that you’re our little girl.
Mommy & Daddy
6 months ago
1 comment:
Very sweet! I just teared up. Hannah is going to love that letter very much and will be able to treasure it always.
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