The last few days have been incredibly busy. Friday night Hannah, Tracy, Hunter, and I went to the Brad Paisley concert down at the Comcast Center. It was a great show and I highly recommend going to see him if you're a country fan. Hunter is a huge fan of Brad Paisley and knew all the words to the songs. He just sat there with the most mesmerized look on his face the entire time. Hannah is less thrilled with concerts but I think she had a fun time anyway.
Saturday morning Hannah had Little League and it was a beautiful sunny day. The kids played a good game although now that it is kid pitch they don't actually do much hitting which is rather unfortunate. The other team had a pitcher yesterday who threw a great fast ball but didn't have much control. Unfortunately he took out a few kids in the process. Hannah got a nice hard ball on the hip but luckily she just shook it off and took her base. She is usually such a baby when it comes to injuries but when she's playing with the boys she does a great job of taking everything in stride.
Saturday afternoon Hannah, Tracy, and I hung out at the pool. Hannah and I are still the only two that are willing to brave the cold water but we all had a great time just hanging out and enjoying the sun. Jake is definitely going to grow up to be just like his father. He kept coming out and asking us if we wanted lemonade and then he'd bring us out a glass. Then he wanted to serve us something "on a tray" so he took our orders for snacks and brought them out to us. It was a very fancy bowl of Cheez-its and cheese and crackers. He will make a GREAT husband someday.

Saturday evening Kristen came up to babysit and Lincoln and I headed out for dinner and then to see Kathy Griffin at the Wang CitiCenter before going to a late showing of The Hangover at the movie theater. The "double feature" date was us taking advantage of having a babysitter that we didn't have to worry about wanting us to rush home. Kristen just ended up crashing here and heading home in the morning. Today was supposed to be Hannah's last day of Little League, and my day to work the snack shack at the baseball fields, but luckily it poured rain all night and has continued on and off all day. Instead of baseball we're all spending a quiet day at home. The kids are playing Clue in the next room, Lincoln is doing laundry, and I'm working on getting our stuff organized for our upcoming trip to Martha's Vineyard.
This week is Hannah's last week of 2nd grade. It's hard to believe she's going to be a 3rd grader next year. She has class on Monday, a field day on Tuesday, and a half day on Wednesday and that's it for 2nd grade. I remember her starting kindergarten like it was just the other day. Times flies by way too fast.
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