Today was Hannah's 2nd grade showcase where the parents go in and get to look at all their work for the year including their book of poetry and their research report on an animal they chose earlier in the year. Hannah's essay on what she would do as President is one of my favorites. (spelling and punctuation hers)
If I were the President of the United States, this is what I would do. I would put up signs of no polluting so animals don't die. I'd make longer school days becasue I think kids should learn more in school. I'd make less work for people because now we are cutting down trees to make paper. I'd change this so people don't die in the world. I would be nice and kind because I don't like bossing people around. The #1 law would be NO HUNTING! so animals don't die or get hurt! These are the things I'd do as President.
6 months ago
I take it you haven't told her where her hamburger comes from yet?
She actually doesn't eat hamburger but you're right, we haven't really gone into where chicken and pork come from.
You think she would be ready to run in what, like 2016? Hannah for President! Move over Hillary....
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