When did kids get so lazy? Or more importantly, when did parents get so obsessive about their children not having to walk to the bus stop? The other day I was behind a bus while I headed over to Hannah's school. The bus would stop at one house, roll 100 feet to the next house and then stop again to pick up kids, and then again to pick up more kids. Seriously? They couldn't all congregate in one person's driveway? When we were kids the lower part of our neighborhood was a big loop. There were three stops on that loop and you had better be at one of them or you missed the bus. If you missed one of those three you could high tail it to the back part of the neighborhood and hopefully catch one of the buses that picked up in that area. I think it's just ridiculous.
The other thing that amazed me a few years ago was when I was at someone's house and she was telling me her daughter took the bus to school. Let me explain why this was so shocking. If you walked to the end of her driveway and looked right YOU COULD SEE THE SCHOOL!!!!!
When I was in 6th thru 9th grade out in Seattle I walked to school almost every day. The elementary school was the farthest away and to get to both the elementary and middle schools you had to cross a very busy road. I don't think anyone ever thought twice about it.
I think it's just insane. What is happening to our society?
6 months ago
1 comment:
That's crazy! In middle school I walked 2 miles to school, since there was no bus pick up as close as we were.
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