Thursday, June 25, 2009

More of my favorite Martha's Vineyard pictures

At the beach: Jake and Lincoln had the foam swords at the beach again this year. Don't worry, they defended mankind against the great waves once again. We are all safe for another year.

Twins: Anything that Hunter did this weekend was something that Jake had to do too. If Hunter ordered a hamburger than Jake ordered a hamburger. If Hunter watched the grown-ups play Baggo then Jake did it too. If Hunter sat on the get the drift.

Hannah's crush: Hannah developed a major crush on Mikey this weekend. She hung on his every word and followed him around everywhere.

A brief glimpse of sun: This picture was taken while walking back to the house from town. Usually I get a million of these gorgeous scenery shots while we're down at the Vineyard but this is the only from this summer.

Bike riding: I couldn't get a still shot of Hannah on her bike. She is loving the freedom that she's discovered on her bike this summer and is constantly on the go.

Jake playing catcher: I'll give you three guesses to guess who was batting. And the first two don't count.

Jake "butt boarding" with Mikey:

Climbing trees: My little tomboy in pink.

The Cookie Caper (and the Post Cookie Crash): Lincoln bought a container of cookies on Saturday and Jakey had three of them right in a row.

Laurie: Make sure you ask your Mommy if it's okay to have another cookie.

Jake: They're Daddy's.

As though that justifies everything.

Ahhhhhh......vacation: Tracy enjoys a nice cold Corona.

The end of our long weekend. Our final meal before heading for the ferry:

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