Saturday, June 27, 2009

Silence is golden. Too bad we never have any.

Jake can talk. Really, really, really talk. He NEVER shuts up. Seriously. Tonight he was driving me insane before dinner. I wanted a few minutes to finish my magazine before dinner so I banished the kids to the "kids" room while I sat in the "grown-up" room which are two living rooms separated by a pair of folding doors. Instead of the quiet I was looking for I got Jake sitting in the doorway between the two rooms talking. And talking. And talking. By the time we sat down to dinner it had almost become a joke between Lincoln and me. Every time he opened his mouth we'd just look at each other and try not to laugh. Even Hannah attempted to start a round of "The Quiet Game" (a game that she ALWAYS wins, by the way).

(Setting the scene: Mommy, Daddy, and Hannah quietly eating dinner. Jake prepping his taco.)

Jake: Spoon. Spoon. Spoon. Spread. Spread. Spread. Pat. Pat. Pat.

Lincoln: You know Jake, most people have internal dialogue narrating their lives.

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