Hannah got an excellent report card today. As previously mentioned, the grading scale is 1-4. Here is the official wording on what those numbers mean, as opposed to my interpretation yesterday. According to the school fours are very rarely given.
(1) - Below grade level standard
(2) - Nearly meets grade level standard
(3) - Achieves grade level standard
(4) - Exceeds grade level standard
Hannah received all 3's and a handful of 4's. She maintained or improved all of her grades since last term EXCEPT "Writes with focus, organization, and detail for different audiences" which is exactly what I was talking about the other day. She has lost all focus in her writing.
In the social skills and work habits she scored all C's (which stands for Consistently meets expectations) except for one which I completely agree with. She got an S (Sometimes meets expectations) in "Organizes materials effectively". Trust me, I've seen her desk both here at home and at school and she is NOT a neat person.
We're very proud of her report card and it's exciting to know that I am now the mother of a 3rd grader. It's hard to believe. Hannah was assigned to Mrs. Webster's 3rd grade class next year and she is VERY excited. Mrs. Webster is a fantastic teacher and is the one that Hannah was really hoping to get. This is the first time they've given out next year's teachers on the last day of school instead of releasing the information in July. It's nice not having this over our heads for the next few weeks.
6 months ago
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