Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I swim down a river with Al Gore and Lincoln still gets the last word in

Me: I just had the strangest dream.

Lincoln: Oh yeah?

Me: Tracy drew the state of Texas on my cheek while I was sleeping.

Lincoln: What?

Me: Yeah. And for some reason I have a dresser full of clothes at work. Kayla and Hannah were there and I asked Hannah "Did Tracy draw the state of Texas on my cheek?" and she said "Yes" so I decided to leave it on there and change into an old "Don't mess with Texas" t-shirt that I used to have. I was wet from swimming down a river with Al Gore.

Lincoln: So Tracy, Kayla, and Hannah were all there with you? What, no hubby?

Me: Well apparently you were off doing something which is why I had Kayla and Hannah with me at work. You and Jake were off somewhere.

Lincoln: Therapy probably.

1 comment:

Scott said...

LOL! Now, that was a nice afternoon pick me up!