A couple of weeks ago Hannah "interviewed" me for school. I wasn't sure what it was for until she brought home the final product today. Below is her work....spelling, grammar and punctuation are all hers.
My Mom's Life
My mom was born in Decorah Iowa It was a small town with a lot of relitives nearby. Her parents names are Dena and Dan. She has 2 sisters named Rachel and Debra. It was a nice little town
When my mom, Diane, was a kid her best friend was Rachel. They loved the monkey bars and playing kick the can. She was bossy and friendly when she was a kid. She had a lot of fun.
When my mom grew up she met her husband at a 2 year old's B-day party. He liked her right away. They both liked The Blue Man Group That is what I learned about my mom.
The darn press....they're always getting their stories wrong. Isn't that what all the celebrities say?
Yes, I was born in Decorah.
Yes, my parents are Dan and Dena.
Yes, I have two sisters.
No, they aren't named Debra and Rachel. Their names are actually Debra and Denise. Denise, however, re-married a few years ago and no longer participates in our family. Since Hannah hasn't seen Denise in a few years, but always sees "Auntie Rachie", I can see where she got confused.
Yes, Rachel and I loved playing on the monkey bars.
No, I have never played Kick the Can.
Yes, I was bossy (and friendly!). I still am.
As for meeting my husband (as opposed to her father....LOL) we did meet at a 2 year old's b-day party although Lincoln thinks he was 3 years old. And we did both like Blue Man Group. In fact it was our first date.
I guess she got enough of it right that I won't demand a retraction but we'll have to work on her attention to detail.
6 months ago
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