Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sharing my childhood
Sometimes the "classics" don't translate well from one generation to the next but this one did. What a fun night.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another Darn Hallmark Holiday
Me: Uh oh. My stock of Chapsticks is getting low. You may need to restock me for my birthday....if I can last that long.
Lincoln: I'm sorry but you don't get a stocking for your birthday.
Me: I hear that 4th of July is a gift giving holiday for men to their wives.
Lincoln: Oh yeah, where did you hear that? Hallmark.com?
Could it really be?

Sometimes I really hate living in the woods.
*I use the terms garage and breezeway in the loosest way possible since we poured the foundation walls for both when we moved into the house in 2002 but never put in floors, walls, or a roof. So while we technically park in the bays of our "garage" it's not really a garage as evidenced by the fact that, well, it doesn't exist.
My new favorite blogger
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The lost photos of Lincoln's camera
A very successful day
I'm developing my own color coded chart like President Bush
My levels of tolerance:
Mild: Blissfully ignoring the mess.
Moderate: Pick up the obvious stuff and pretend like we cleaned the house.
Severe: Deep, deep cleaning. Usually peters out before we get both floors done. In my opinion as long as one floor is clean we can live on that one and ignore the other one until the "Severe" mode passes.
Today we have a Code Red.
Jake: Why do I have to clean my desk?
Me: Because we're cleaning our house from top to bottom today.
Jake: Why?
Me: So that next weekend during the long weekend we can play out in the pool all weekend long and not have a dirty house hanging over us.
Lincoln: So we're not going to live in the house between now and then?
Me: Nope.
(A little while later Lincoln walks into the bathroom while I'm scrubbing the sink.)
Lincoln: Oh. You're cleaning cleaning today.
Me: Yes. I told you we were cleaning today.
Lincoln: I thought you meant picking-up cleaning.
Me: Nope. Now where is the toilet bowl cleaner?
It's going to be a looooonnnng day.
New Optimism
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Giving credit where credit is due

We were right next to a big Ford Bronco and in my head I was thinking that it would be a battle of who got to go first since we were side by side heading into a single file exit lane. Instead, when I rolled down my window to get some fresh air they struck up a conversation with us and we sat there and joked around with them for awhile until we started to move. When the line did start to finally move the guy told us to go first.
Me: You know, sometimes I don't give Upton the small town credit it deserves. I was really thinking in my head that it would be a "who can edge out who" battle with that big truck just like when you're commuting in Boston but he was really nice. That's exactly something that would have happened in Decorah.
Link: Yeah but if we were in Decorah he would have had a cooler full of beer in his truck. And had I stuck my hand out the sun roof he would have tossed me one.
Me: Very true. Good point.
Silence is golden. Too bad we never have any.
(Setting the scene: Mommy, Daddy, and Hannah quietly eating dinner. Jake prepping his taco.)
Jake: Spoon. Spoon. Spoon. Spread. Spread. Spread. Pat. Pat. Pat.
Lincoln: You know Jake, most people have internal dialogue narrating their lives.
Friday, June 26, 2009
The death of the sun
Me: No. We are doomed to cloudiness and dreariness and gloom forever. The sun is never coming out ever again. It died with Michael Jackson.
I'm just not feeling it
Here's the thing. I didn't really know much about him in his heyday. I was a little too young for the whole Thriller / Beat It / Billie Jean phenomenon. I remember the Thriller video but never really enjoyed watching it and I certainly never learned the dance. I remember clips of him dancing on a sidewalk that lit up but I couldn't tell you what song that was. (My husband informs me, with some distaste in his voice for my lack of musical knowledge, that it was Billie Jean.) I remember the video he did later on in life when the head kept turning into different people (Black or White?) What I remember most about him was his hair catching on fire while filming a Pepsi commercial and the fact that he married Lisa Marie Presley. See, even back then I was more concerned with celebrity gossip than music. Still am. Always will be.
And let us not forget that he was riding hell bent for leather on the crazy train these days. And that despite what a jury in L.A. decided, it is very likely that he had improper relationships with young boys. And that his children will very likely need years and years and years of therapy for the fact that they couldn't go out in public without a blanket over their heads and that he named his son's Prince and Prince II. (Although to be fair I just check Wikipedia and apparently their names are Michael and Prince but they go by Prince and Blanket. And no, the one actually named Prince doesn't go by Prince. The one not named Prince goes by Prince.) I'm just saying, he wasn't all there anymore.
So yes, I am sad to see such a legend die but he wasn't one of my legends. And while neither was she, I think it's very important to remember that Farrah Fawcett also died yesterday. I'm sure there won't be much press coverage of her in the days to come but her family, friends, and fans are mourning her loss just as much as many people are mourning Michael Jackson's loss. At least the world already had a day or two to come to terms with Ed McMahon's death. And David Carradine's. Wow, I would not want to be a celebrity these days......
Thursday, June 25, 2009
People in glass houses......LOL
Me: Hey Jake! Look. (pointing at the seagull)
Boy's voice: Look! An eagle!
Tracy: You must be so proud of him.
Me: That was actually your son.
Teaching bad habits
Lincoln of course thought that was a great idea and would join him.
Generation gap
Me: Who is it by?
Tracy: JT.
Me: Huh?
Tracy: James Taylor.
Me: Ah. Here is where the generation gap comes in. When you say JT I think Justin Timberlake and you think James Taylor.
More of my favorite Martha's Vineyard pictures
Twins: Anything that Hunter did this weekend was something that Jake had to do too. If Hunter ordered a hamburger than Jake ordered a hamburger. If Hunter watched the grown-ups play Baggo then Jake did it too. If Hunter sat on the beach......you get the drift.
The end of our long weekend. Our final meal before heading for the ferry:
Statistics to back up my crankiness
- Cloudiest June since 1903
- Only 3 days in June with 80% (or more) sunshine
- No days with 100% sunshine
The only good news is that out in suburbia we've had a few more days of sunshine than those 3 days. Maybe 5 or 6 out of the last 25 days. And luckily those have been mostly on weekends so we have managed to get in the pool but man is it still depressing. Looking at the 15 day forecast it doesn't look like it's going to get much better any time soon with only a few days here and there with any substantial amounts of sun. I really hope that changes.
Begging for crumbs

Mother Nature is such a tease
I actually fear for when the sun does come back out. It's like when it rains and all of a sudden everyone forgets how to drive. Or when the winter comes and people who have lived in the northern part of the country their entire lives freak out and say "what the hell is this white stuff?" I suspect the same thing will happen once the sun actually returns. People will be crawling along on their commute trying to shield their eyes from the bright yellow light while peeking through them at the same time trying to witness this unknown phenomenon the scientists call "sun".
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Jake's injury
Making memories the Iowan way

Ellen (subtitled: a very sad day)
This July we're getting ready to drive back to Iowa and Minnesota so I need to get a few things repaired on my car before we go. Most of them are small little things but I just want everything done before we drive all those miles. I finally called Saturn today to make an appointment and found out that Ellen LEFT!!!! What am I going to do? The receptionist offered to put me through to the other guy and I said "no thanks, I may just have to find somewhere else to take my car." Eventually I decided to talk to Ivan. He's the person hired to replace Ellen. He seemed pretty good after my brief conversation with him so hopefully he'll end up being my new Ellen and I can continue to avoid the other idiot. If not I'm definitely looking for a new mechanic.
The sun will come out......tomorrow?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Martha's Vineyard 2009
Thursday morning we packed up the car and headed down to catch the ferry in Woods Hole, MA. The car was fully packed to the brim and despite my husband briefly questioning my car packing abilities I was able to get everything in the car. The trip was fairly uneventful and both kids actually fell asleep on the drive down. The trip down only takes about an hour and a half and we made it down in plenty of time to let the kids get out and walk around before getting onto the ferry. For the first time ever we were put on one of the freight ferries. I'm always amazed because the "big" ferry is actually about 1/4 of the size of one of the Washington State Ferries but the freight ferry was even much smaller. It only had 4 short lanes for cars and you actually drove down the far left one to turn around and drive back to the right in order to drive back off the ferry in the direction that you came from. Basically you do a big U-turn on a boat. There is a small area at the top where you can go inside but it's nothing like the usual ferry that serves food and drinks and has a few games.
The freight ferry:
We got to Oak Bluffs on the Vineyard around noon and quickly unloaded our car. Once we got everything unloaded, and received a brief visit from the Oak Bluffs police about a vagrant discovered to be camping in the bushes at the bottom of the property we were renting, we headed into town for lunch. Oak Bluffs is a great little town and we ate lunch at Sharkey's before the guys headed back to the house with the kids and Tracy and I went shopping at the famous Black Dog store. After that we obviously had to stop at the Sand Bar because, you know, shopping is thirsty work. After that we headed back to the house to meet up with another couple, Jim and Laurie, who had arrived at the house. Mike had also ridden over with them and would be joined by his wife and son, Grace and Mikey, the next day. Usually Denise and Brian and their two kids come with us too but this year they weren't able to make it. It's a 6-bedroom house and while it's tight quarters it's a lot of fun with all those people. Thursday night we ordered pizza and hung out on the deck. Despite the clouds it wasn't really raining much that night so the kids ran around and the grown-ups played Baggo and Washer Toss in the front yard.
Friday morning Jim, Tracy, and Mike decided they were going to go out on a chartered fishing boat but due to the massive downpour, and the small craft advisory, that trip was cancelled. When the rain stopped we headed over to Chappy to play on the beach despite the cloudy, dreary day but by the time we drove over to Edgartown and caught the Chappy Ferry it was raining pretty hard again. Basically we paid to ride the ferry across and be told by the ferry operator that we had an almost flat tire. Obviously we were not "Happy on Chappy" this year.
After coming back and resting during the afternoon we had Mexican Night out on the big front porch. By evening the weather was actually very pleasant and we even had some blue skies. We played some more lawn games and everyone just sat around socializing and having a few drinks. After dinner we walked down to the carousel (the oldest one in the country) and then the arcade.
Saturday was actually a fairly nice day. While it was fairly cool and mostly cloudy there was sun every now and then. We decided that we wouldn't chance heading over to Chappy again and instead went down to a small beach within walking distance of the house. The kids had a great time and even went in the water although I'm sure it was pretty cold.
Hanging at the beach:Afterwards we headed back and tossed the kids in quick showers and put Jake down for a nap. Tracy and I then headed down to a small street festival along the water while Cliff kept an eye on the kids and Lincoln ran to the grocery store. Conveniently the street festival ended at the Sand Bar again so we stopped for a few drinks before heading back to meet the guys, along with the kids, at a traveling rock wall. Hannah discovered this the first year we were there and she loved it. She is quite the little monkey and climbed up all three levels of easy, medium, and hard. Jake decided to give it a try too but didn't make it too far up the easy level. Lincoln climbed with him and did the "hard" level right next to Jake. Even having Lincoln next to him didn't encourage him to go up very far but we were both very proud that he gave it a try.
Hannah on the rock wall:
Hannah on the rock wall (video):
Lincoln and Jake at (and on) the rock wall:
Lincoln and Jake on the rock wall (video):
Saturday night we headed back to the house and the Jim and Mike grilled up a wonderful BBQ dinner. This was probably my favorite night of the weekend as we all just hung out and had a blast on the porch. The kids road their bikes up and down the street and Mikey taught Jake how to "butt board" on his skateboard. Mikey is Mike and Grace's 16 year old son and he was FANTASTIC with the kids. We will definitely be taking him up on future babysitting services.
Jake and Mikey:
Sunday morning we got up, packed up the luggage and Lincoln cooked a great Father's Day breakfast for everyone. Yes, I know that I should be cooking for Lincoln on Father's Day but breakfast is his thing. He loves cooking breakfast and even took his griddle and bacon press down with us. After breakfast we finished packing up the house, washing the sheets, and cleaning up the bedroom before heading out for lunch. Wow....that make it seem like all we did was eat but I'm sure we must have done something else in between. I just can't think of what it was. Probably just sat on the porch and vegged out. Sunday was a very cold, misty day and even though it required a good warm blanket we spent a lot of time sitting out on the porch and looking at the water and mourning that our "beach" vacation was coming to an end.
After lunch Jim, Laurie, Grace, Mike, and Mikey headed back on a mid-day ferry while the rest of us headed back to the arcade. I have to say, the arcade is not that big of a money suck. For $20 you get 96 tokens and most of the games are fairly generous in giving out tickets. You usually end up with about 400-500 tickets and yet the prizes are not too "expensive" when you cash out your tickets. On the upside the kids love it because they can get tons of stuff. On the downside your kids come home with an obscene amount of junk. The first night they got a few plastic swords, some candy, a whoopie cushion, some super balls, and one or two other things. Sunday afternoon they went for the bigger prizes and Hannah got a magnetic sculpture and Jake got a basketball hoop and ball.
Once we got back to the house we loaded up the car and then vegged out on the porch looking out into the drizzle for awhile. I'm not sure where Cliff went off to but the kids played around inside the house while Tracy, Lincoln, and I played Phase 10 which is a wonderful card game. And I'm not just saying it's a wonderful card game because I won although I do love beating Tracy. She is wicked competitive so whenever I can take her down I love it.
Before heading for our ferry we went out for a Father's Day dinner at Offshore Ale Co. This is a great little brewpub in Oak Bluffs that we've never come across in the past few years. The food was phenomenal and the beer was great. If you're ever in Oak Bluffs I highly recommend giving it a try.
After dinner we hopped in the car and headed towards Vineyard Haven to catch our ferry. At this point it was getting very windy and there were a number of whitecaps on the water. When we drove through Tisbury we saw a sailboat that must have slipped its mooring and washed up on shore. I'm sure that will be an unpleasant surprise for the owner. We got on the ferry and headed home and it was pretty rough. I have to say, I don't usually get seasick but it was a pretty rough crossing. The drive from Woods Hole to Upton took a little longer than on the way down because it was raining pretty heavily and super windy. Lincoln got us home safely and after getting the kids into the house and into their beds we unloaded the car in a drizzly rain. At least by that point it wasn't a outright downpour.
Beached sailboat: All in all it was a very good weekend but it definitely wasn't the fun, summery, heavenly delightful Martha's Vineyard vacations of the past few years. Hopefully our upcoming trip to go camping in Maine with Lincoln's brother and sister-in-law will have a little more sun.