As many of you know, I am a complete TV junky. I have 3 tivos in my house, two of which are dual tuners, which means that I can tivo up to 5 shows at any given time. I love reality shows (Amazing Race, Survivor, Beauty and the Geek) and regular shows (Numb3rs, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother) and everything in between. It is the regular shows - particularly 3 of the ones mentioned above - that are disappointing me right now. Right now is time for the season finales to be happening and it seems that so many of them are deciding to double their season finales as potential series finales in case they don't get renewed. What kind of attitude is that? Numb3rs, Gossip Girl, and How I Met Your Mother all ended in the last week with episodes that tie everything up in a nice little bow "just in case". I mean, it's the not the type of ending that Gilmore Girls or Friends had (obviously) but IF the shows didn't come back you could feel you had at least a little bit of closure. I don't like it. I like the cliff hangers. I like the thrill of having to wait all summer to find out what happened.
In 1995 I used to watch a show called Model's Inc which was a spin-off of Melrose Place (which, of course, was a spin-off of Beverly Hills, 90210) and it had the GREATEST cliffhanger. The show was cancelled after the season finale and I never got to see what happened but I can tell you...I STILL REMEMBER THE SEASON FINALE! That's why it was so great. That was 13 years ago and I still remember it. I can promise you I probably won't remember these finales in about a week's time.
Bring back the cliffhangers!!!!!
6 months ago
You have 4 tivos, dear.
Oh good God, you're right! I do.
FOUR tivos? Diane!!!! When do you find the time to watch all the shows that you record?? LOL.
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