Yesterday was the annual Kentucky Derby party that we co-host with the Walkers and the Walker-Joneses. It was a huge success despite the poor weather. It ended up being cool (only in the 40's most of the day) but luckily the rain held off for the most part. Every now and then it drizzled but that never deterred the kids from playing outside. Michael hired ponies to come and the kids rode them for a couple of hours.
The outside games that Lincoln had purchased the day before were also put to use. For the most part the adults stayed in the house but luckily it never seemed too crowded. We had pushed the couch up against the wall and taken the coffee table upstairs to open up the room and that really helped. I never got an official count but I think we had at least 50 people here yesterday.
The food, as usual, was fantastic and the Walker's really out did themselves. Deb has passed down her super secret Mac 'n Cheese recipe to her girls and this year was Kristen's first time on her own. All 3 of her pans of mac 'n cheese were gobbled up before you could blink an eye. We also had ribs, pulled pork, chicken, and deep-fried turkey. And those were just the entrees.
Plus, I won $13 on Big Brown so it was a good day all around.
P.S. Mom and Dad, I know when you cleaned out the closet while you stayed at my house last month that you said not to buy any more paper products. Luckily I ignored your suggestion and went out and bought 4 more packages of plates. We went through those, two more that we had in the basement, plus all our odds 'n ends as well. Hopefully everyone had enough to drink by the end that they didn't think it was strange they were eating dessert on Finding Nemo and Christmas plates.
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