This weekend has been crazy and it's not even over yet.
Yesterday Jake had karate which actually went pretty well. There was no crying and screaming and he actually participated in the last 10 minutes of class. Definitely an improvement. Last weekend he cried so hard he got a bloody nose.
On Friday we were supposed to get an oil delivery but the delivery truck couldn't make it up our driveway. Our driveway is about 250 feet long and is on a hill. During this time of year it is never in direct sunlight so when ice freezes on there it pretty much stays there for awhile. Luckily Lincoln and I both have vehicles that can easily get up our driveway so it's not much of an issue for us. Unfortunately the lack of an oil delivery is a huge issue. We're desperately low on oil and each day Lincoln is going out and filling a 5 gallon fuel can with diesel and then pouring it in our tank. That will keep us going until we can get an oil fill up.
Since we need to get the oil truck up the driveway we spent a good portion of yesterday out there trying to chip through tons of ice. Poor Lincoln was out there for about 7 or 8 hours yesterday. I was out there for a couple too. We went through about 5 bags of Driveway Heat (which isn't cheap) and purchased 5 more for today. Lincoln and I are just about to head out and start tackling that project again.
This morning I sponge painted the master bathroom. We painted it last Monday but I just didn't like the way it looked. Everything that I have for decorating the bathroom is very rich in color and texture and the paint just looked flat and blah. I decided to sponge paint it - which I've never done before - and now I'll have to start decorating. Hopefully the finished product will be as great as I'm envisioning in my head.
After Lincoln and I tackle more of the driveway today I have to take Hannah out to buy fabric for sewing class. They're making a pillow case next week and she's very excited.
I guess I should stop delaying on going outside. As we've learned, it's not going to melt itself.
Wish us luck!
6 months ago
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