Friday, January 9, 2009

The greatest invention ever

For my New Year's Resolution I've decided to try eating a little bit healthier and to also spend less money by not eating lunch out everyday. In order to keep me from the convenience of local restaurants I had to come up with something that was tasty but also easy to make. Enter Ziploc Zip 'n Steams. These things are the greatest! I buy chicken tenderloins and put them in a little ziploc bag with some marinade in the morning and bring them to work. At lunch time you drop them in a Zip 'n Steam bag and zap them for about 2 minutes and you've got a juicy, tender, well-flavored piece of chicken. Today I ate it as a regular piece of chicken. The other days this week I've shredded the chicken after cooking it and rolled it up in a tortilla and ate it as a wrap. I also plan on using them to make sandwiches. It offers variety and they're easy too! I'm very excited about this. Now let's see how long it lasts....

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