Jake goes to Grandma and Grandpa Snow's Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday each week. On Thursday and Friday he goes to daycare (or as we call it, school). He throws a fit every Thursday morning because he doesn't want to go.
Jake: I don't want to go to school! I hate school! I want to go to Grandma and Grandpa's.
Me: The only reason you don't want to go to school is because Grandma and Grandpa let you do anything you want on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and at school you have to follow the rules.
Jake: I hate school!
Me: You know, you're a very lucky kid. You get to see your grandparents three days a week and you only have to go to school for two days.
Jake: Why don't other kids go to their grandma's house?
Me: Not all kids live by their grandparents. Or have grandparents that can take care of them. Some kids have to go to school all five days a week.
Jake: That's just sad.
Me: Yes, it is.
Jake: But I don't want to go to school!
Me: You have to.
Jake: But I don't want to!
Hannah: Jake, aren't you listening?!? You're lucky. You only go two days. You get to go to Grandma and Grandpa's three days a week. Pay attention.
Me: Thank you Hannah.
As Lincoln likes to say, it's so tough for poor Jakey. He has three parents he has to deal with.
6 months ago
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