Today Lincoln and I are painting the master bathroom. Hannah is at a playdate and Jake is over at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We're redoing the master bedroom and bathroom with stuff that we've purchased on our various trips over the years. The bedroom will have all our stuff from Greece plus stuff from Singapore, Venezuela, Aruba, Ireland, England, etc. The bathroom is being designed around our trip to Istanbul. I bought these beautiful bathroom tiles at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul that we're putting up and everything is going to be decorated with stuff from our trip to Turkey.
Our original plan was to go to Greece for our 10th wedding anniversary but since we went for my 30th birthday instead I told Lincoln we needed to start thinking of where we'd go for our 10th anniversary. I told him it would need to be a special trip to celebrate 10 years of my being lucky enough to have him and for him to celebrate being able to put up with me for 10 years. As I told him, everyone always wonders how I got so lucky and how he manages to put up with me. I know I'm not easy to live with and the man is a saint.
His response?
"What these people don't know is that everything I have and everything I love about my life is because of you."
I wanted to cry! He truly is the sweetest man ever and I am so lucky to have him.
6 months ago
What a guy! He is a gem and you really are lucky!
So does that mean you'll come babysit the kids while we go to Australia? LOL.
I was wondering if we would get asked. October of 2010? It's a possibility.
We wouldn't ask anyone else in the world!
Oh my goodness! I am crying!!!! Diane, that is THE SWEETEST comment ever. You KNOW I love reading your blogs daily, and have to resist myself from commenting on every entry! LOL. But, this one, THIS one, I had to speak up on. What a sweet man! Okay. Seriously. You know you HAVE to send the kiddos down to me when you go on your 10th anniversary! haha. I would LOVE to take care of my jakey poo! :-)
You'll have to fight my parents for them! :)
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