Hannah and I have perfected the art of mock trash talking when we play Wii tennis. It's all in fun and we come up with some pretty random things. One night Hannah told me she was "going to give me the boot and give me the foot for free". Tonight I kept dancing in front of her and telling her I was going to "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" (yes, I know that is boxing and not tennis). She did not like that one at all for some reason and so of course the madder she got the more I did it. And then Jake started doing it. Aren't we just one loving family?
Me: Okay, okay, okay. Let's stop tormenting Hannah for now.
Hannah: Let's stop tormenting Hannah period.
Me: Nope. I get to torment you all I want until you turn 18.
Hannah: And then I'm going to torment you by moving out.
Me: Sorry sweetheart but that won't be torment......although I will miss you. And actually, since Jakey will still be home it might be torment because he'll be bored without you. Or maybe it won't be torment because you guys won't be fighting anymore.
Lincoln: Oh I'm sure he'll be away at military school or juvie by then.
NOTE: For those of you that have not actually met one or all of us in person, please know that our conversations like this are all in good fun. Hannah is a great sport and has a wicked sense of humor. She can easily tell when someone is joking or not and is always in on the joke. Jake on the other hand usually questions everything with "Are you joking?" to which we explain that yes, we are. As for always saying that he's going to end up in jail, you would just have to meet him to understand. We don't really think that he's going to end up there (I hope) and we certainly don't make him feel like he's a bad kid but he does have a diabolical sense of humor and takes great pleasure in being naughty. He is definitely going to give us a run for our money....particularly though his teenage years.
6 months ago
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