This story is primarily for Ricky, Steph, Rachel, and Jen (to name a few) because they have seen me in my glory and can probably picture this scenario perfectly. When I mean business you don't want to mess with me. Right guys?
Back in December I purchased a number of items from iParty for our company holiday party. I ended up not needing to use any of them because the place where the party was held was already sufficiently decorated. I've been dreading doing this return because it was quite a few items and I suspected they'd give me trouble about returning seasonal items. Everything I purchased had snowflakes on it and nothing was holiday oriented at all so I figured I could pitch a fit over the fact that even if it was seasonal, it's still winter and that was a season the last time I checked.
I left work a few minutes early tonight and headed over to iParty on my way to my PTO board meeting. The last half of my day at work hadn't been ideal due to some computer issues and whatnot so I was already cranky when I headed over there and since I knew they were going to give me trouble I was spoiling for a fight.
When I first arrived there was a young girl working the register and she said she'd need to call a manager to see if the stuff was considered seasonal. When the manager came over she started to give me some crap about it being seasonal and not allowing me to return it so of course I pretty much told her to look out the window (where it was in fact just starting to snow a little). She must have seen on my face that I meant business because she backed down pretty quickly. As glad as I was to get the return done without too much trouble I have to say I was a little disappointed in her lack of spine. I need a good opponent every now and then to keep me entertained.
6 months ago
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