I HATE the grocery store. I mean I really, really hate it. I can't get out of there without sending Lincoln a text message about how much I hate everyone in the store. Often times he'll tell me to abort the mission and he'll just go to the store later. It really is best for all mankind when that happens.
Here is my problem with the grocery store. When you're shopping you tend to go in a systematic up and down pattern of the aisles. Because other people are doing the same thing you usually run in to the same idiots in every aisle for 15 aisles or so. You know those people....the ones who stand in the middle of the aisle or who won't move their cart out of your way. Fifteen aisles of idiocy is way too much for me. Then when you get to the checkout you usually have some teenage girl who is more focused on flirting with the bag boy than ringing up your groceries. And don't even get me started about the bag boy with the raging hormones who is more focused on the checkout girl than separating your household chemicals from your raw meat or putting your eggs on top of your bread. My blood is starting to boil just thinking about it.
Anyway, Lincoln often cooks pancakes and sausages for the kids in the morning and yesterday we realized we were out of syrup. He put it on the grocery list but didn't make it to the store in the afternoon. This morning he was making breakfast for Jake and had to tell Jake that we didn't have any syrup.
Jake: That's okay. Mommy can watch us and you can go to the store.
See, he's smart. He knows there is no way in hell Mommy would be going to the store.
6 months ago
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