Co-worker M: So, what are you doing this weekend?
Me: I'm taking Hannah to get a dress for the daddy/daughter dance next weekend.
CM: The what?
Me: The daddy/daughter Valentine's Day dance. I think I'm going to get her a little corsage too.
CM: What is that? Like prom with your father?
Me: It's cute!
CM: It's creepy!
Me: It's not creepy. You just have no soul.
CM: No, it's not. You're going to scar her for life.
Me: And how's that?
CM: Because she's going to grow up and expect every man to treat her as wonderfully as her father.
Me: She's going to expect that anyway.
CM: I'm telling you you're going to scar her for life.
Co-worker A: Wait, how is she going to be scarred for life by having a good father?
Co-worker L: I'm scarred for life! But that's because my dad was never around.
Me: See!
6 months ago
1 comment:
She's right. Lincoln is abnormal, Hannah's standards are going to be ridiculous.
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