Me: Hey Jakey, guess what? When you come home today we'll have a new president!! All will be right with the world and there will be unicorns and rainbows everywhere.
Lincoln: (mumbling under his breath as he leaves the room) We'll see.
Me: (laughing) I heard that!
Jake: Were you just joking Mommy?
Me: Yes Jakey. Mommy was joking about the unicorns. Unicorns don't exist. But if the sun comes out we still have a chance at rainbows.
6 months ago
Really did you have to interrupt my puppy killing?
Rainbows? I don't think so. Obama has clearly stated his stance on same sex marriage and there will be no rainbows of joy anywhere in the near future.
Red flags possibly, but no rainbows.
Gotta go, another puppy just appeared!
I'll grant you the lack of rainbows in relation to same sex marriage.
Have fun with the puppies.
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