Jake was sick over the weekend starting on Saturday evening through last night. When he gets sick to his stomach he gets put on the BRAT diet and taken off of chocolate milk. For those non-parents out there that is the Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast diet. Dairy is not good on a sick stomach and Grandma Snow must have had to repeat that to Jake a lot throughout the day today. Tonight Jake's obsession is what comes from the dairy.
Jake: What are we having for dinner tonight?
Link: Chicken.
Jake: Does that come from the dairy?
Link: Nope.
Jake: Then I can eat it.
Link: We can try it. I also put applesauce on your plate.
Jake: Is that from the dairy?
Link: Nope.
Jake: Can I have orange juice?
Link: No.
Jake: Why, is it from the dairy?
Link: No.
Jake: Everything that is not from the dairy is good for me.
Link: That's not necessarily true. Some things that are not from the dairy still aren't good for your tummy.
Jake: Do we have chocolate pudding?
Link: No. And you couldn't have it anyway.
Jake: Why?
Link: 'Cause it's from the dairy.
Jake: Aww man. (long pause) Are candy canes from the dairy?
6 months ago
1 comment:
LOLLOLLOL. Seriously Diane, how can you not LIVE to wake up and see what little Jake is going to say next. I very much look forward to my afternoon browse times on your blog in hope for at least TWO different recaps of conversations had with my buddy Jake! :-)
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