Lincoln is working today and since I'm still feeling run down from being sick I decided to take Jake to daycare today. Also, since I've had to pay for these last two weeks even though he hasn't attended I figured I'd get at least a little of my money's worth. It was a nice day for me. Hannah and I hung out and watched a movie this morning (Harry Potter, naturally) and then I took a nap while she played for awhile. I dropped her off at 4 p.m. at her friend Natalie's house for a sleepover tonight and then went to get Jake from school. The poor kid had a black eye and a bloody nose.
Apparently the kids were "bowling" in the classroom and he got hit in the nose with the bowling ball which caused the bloody nose. Once they got that stopped Miss Kathy sat down to write up the accident report and while she was doing that he tried swinging between two tables and fell down on his face on the concrete floor thereby giving himself a black eye. I would feel terrible about it but he didn't seem to care. It doesn't faze him any. This, of course, is the kid who got staples in his head last year and happily played in the ER waiting room for three hours. A bloody nose and a black eye are all in a day's work.
6 months ago
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