Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lincoln is my new secretary apparently

It is my job to keep track of our family schedule. Usually Lincoln is the one asking me when (and what) we have for weekend commitments but apparently I am totally slacking on those things this weekend.

(Lincoln walks into the room and gets dressed to head out)

Me: Holy crap! What time is it?

Lincoln: 8:30.

Me: Is Jake ready for karate? Is Hannah going with you and Jake?

Lincoln: Yes, and then I'm taking them to the library.

(hours later....I've been working on the yearbook, of course!)

Lincoln: Hey there. We're home. You haven't taken your vitamin yet.

Me: I haven't eaten yet.

(he goes outside to play with the kids....comes back in a little while later)

Lincoln: What times is your hair appointment?

Me: 11:30 (look at the clock and realize it is 11:03) SHIT!

(I run upstairs to shower and brush my back downstairs. Lincoln hands me a chicken/cheese wrap he had made and wrapped in a paper towel, a bottle of water, and my vitamin as I run out the door.)

What the hell would I do without him?

1 comment:

Scott said...

lol. You guys are so cute!