Yesterday when we were heading back to our room we had to pass Room 907. There was some serious yelling and screaming and cussing going on. It didn't sound violent but I did end up calling down to the front desk and telling them they may want to send security up. We thought that would be the end of our dealings with Room 907 but unfortunately it wasn't. At 1:42 a.m. this morning the front desk called up to our room. The front desk clerk apologized but said the caller said it was an emergency. It ended up being a friend of the people in Room 907 (the had incorrectly connected it to us in 905) and the caller said she was stranded at the airport in Buffalo, NY. When I explained she had the wrong room she asked me if I was willing to walk down to 907 and wake them up to come get her.
Um.....that would be "Hell no".
6 months ago
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