I've now been working on the yearbook for 14 hours today with only a few very short breaks here and there. I've actually apologized to Hannah, who is starting to feel abandoned by Mommy, but I explained to her that I made a commitment and I have to follow through on what I started (see....I got a little lesson in responsibility in there!)
Anyway, I have a little bit of a moral dilemma. As many of you know, I have been collecting waivers from all the parents where they can select whether or not I can publish their kids name and photos. In addition, they can also select whether or not I can publish the portrait and no candids or candids and no portrait for their child. It's a real pain in the ass. I was telling Lincoln earlier that I have Hannah in there three times and if anyone says anything about it I'll tell them they can do the yearbook themselves next year. His response was that I should be able to put Hannah's picture in there for every person who selected a response on their waiver that makes extra work for me.
There is one specific girl whose mother said that her name and her class portrait cannot be printed but candids of her can be published. She also sent back the waiver....a mere two weeks before my deadline....with the snotty comment, "I do not think it is appropriate to be doing a yearbook for this age group". So here's the dilemma....I have a candid of her daughter where she looks like she is going to cry and it isn't the most flattering picture. Do I put it in because her mom is a bitch or do I leave it out because it's not the kids' fault her mom is a bitch?
As of right now I took the photo out.....but let's see how I'm feeling in another few hours.
6 months ago
PUT IT IN! The girl will never remember the photo, chances are her mother won't even let her see the yearbook. This has nothing to do with the child, this is a motherly personal issue. If her mother is that insane I can assure you this is the absolute least of the girl's life embarrassment thus far and to come. Seriously, can you imagine what prom is going to be like for this girl?? I say DO IT!! (but you probably already knew that was my vote)
I think the fact that you're considering doing it at all means that you must, in fact, do it. Life doesn't hand you too many opportunities like this; avail yourself of this one.
As tempting as it is I took her out. I just felt bad....she shouldn't be punished because her mom is a bitch.
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