Sometime in the past year Hannah lost yet another tooth. At the time she said she was hoping to get a toy from the tooth fairy like some of the other kids she knows. Hannah gets $1.00 per tooth. Other kids get $1 plus a Webkinz. Some get $5. Some get a toy, a webkinz, and money. It's insane. Hannah gets $1. If the tooth fairy is feeling wild and crazy it is delivered as a $1.00 coin instead of a $1.00 bill. When Hannah told me she was hoping to get a toy that time around I told her that when Moms and Dads decide to have kids they sit down with Santa, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny and we tell them what they're allowed to give our children. It is a parents way of controlling how spoiled a child is. It also goes a long way towards explaining the differences that kids experience at Christmas (for example, does Santa wrap the gifts or not?).
Tonight the conversation came up again at dinner.
Me: Remember what I told you about how Mommies and Daddies meet with Santa, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny?
Hannah: You talk with the Easter Bunny!
Me: Yep.
Hannah: Cool.
Me: We told him that you're only allowed to receive apples this year in your Easter basket.
Hannah: I got candy last year.
Me: Yeah, well we renegotiated the contract.
6 months ago
Apples! You're kidding, right? Last year when grandpa and I were there, they made a real haul. What happened?
No....there will be plenty of candy for the baskets. Probably way more than necessary. I do curse you though for letting the Easter Bunny hide Easter eggs while we were on our Greece trip last year. Now he'll have to do it again this year.
That is such a genius idea! My parents just always told me that the tooth fairy/santa/easter bunny, ran out of money/presents by the time they got to our house. This is why you will be the godmother to my future illegitimate children as per your wish.
I'm with Jennifer. Has Hannah taken a look at the DJIA lately?!
haha! I will seriously be using this explanation for the EB, SC & TF with Aidan and his future siblings. You're a damn genious Diane.
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