Friday, April 17, 2009

Cleaning can be done any day of the week

This morning I was frantically cleaning the kitchen because it was driving me nuts. We've been neglecting the house cleaning lately because of everything else that has been going on so it's pretty dusty.

Me: Here Hannah, take this rag and wipe the dust off the base boards over there please.

Link: Honey, you know what day it is, right?

Me: Yes, Friday. But we can clean on weekdays too you know.

Link: Yes, but it's not the priority.

Me: Fine. Hannah, when you're done cleaning the ledge you can go get dressed.

The funny thing is that yesterday for "fairy tale" day at school (each day has a dress up theme this week) she chose to go as Cinderella.....before the fairy godmother comes along.


mark said...

It's like beer. Who says you have to wait for 5 p.m.?!

Diane Lentz Snow said...

Heck, who says you have to wait until noon?

mark said...

Well, other than Georgie Klevar, that is.... ;) Does she count?