It's that time of year again. The time of year where we get a little too familiar with bugs. So far we've already spotted our first ticks (luckily only on clothing and not yet in the skin of our children) and now it's time for the ants. It seems a little early this year but they're out in full force this week. Tonight Jake and I killed two while we were cuddling on the couch, he and Daddy killed another one in the bathroom, and since I've been chilling on the couch watching TV I've killed two on my blanket and one that was crawling on my shoulder (that one really freaked me out). I hate ants.
As for the ticks....last weekend Kiki was down playing with the kids and I heard her yell out that they found a tick on Hannah. Before I realized that it was only on her clothes and hadn't actually bitten her yet I was downstairs with my tick kit and ready to go. I've become a pro at getting ticks out. So far I've taken multiple ticks out of both Hannah and Jake (dog ticks and deer ticks) and one dog tick out of Lincoln. To date I'm the only one that hasn't gotten a tick around here (knock on wood).
I guess it's just one disadvantage to living in a wonderful wooded setting.....unless I count each ant and tick one by one. In that case it's Disadvantage #1,050,305.
6 months ago
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