Since I worked so late at the reception last night I decided to skip out of work at about 4:30 this afternoon. We have a pool in our backyard but I haven't been able to use it much this summer. I've only been in it 3 times...including the day I got in at the beginning of the season to vaccum it. Lincoln and the kids get in the pool almost every afternoon but by the time I get home at 7:00 (or later) the sun is gone from the pool area. So today I snuck out early and met Lincoln and the kids at home at 5:30. It was a beautiful day today and we had a full hour of late day sun in the pool. It was great to be in there as a family and just goof around. Days like that, playing hooky and hanging out in the pool with your family, is what summer is all about.
I looked at our calendar the other day and realized that we only have two completely free weekends left between now and when school starts. And those aren't even completely free because we need to get working on Hannah's new room. I'm hoping to have it done by her birthday on August 18th and we'll be in Seattle for the entire week before that. I don't know where the time goes. It seems like the other three seasons drag by but summer is gone in the blink of an eye. I have to say though that I wouldn't give up New England's four seasons for anything. There is nothing more beautiful than autumn in New England and I even like our snowy winters. Spring is my least favorite season (too much rain) but it's earth it. Right now I'm just trying to live in the moment and enjoy summer. And that means playing hooky whenever possible. ;-)
6 months ago
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