Hannah: Look at the ladybug. She's probably looking for an aphid.
Me: Huh?
Hannah: An aphid.
Me: Afin?
Hannah: No, an aphid.
Me: An aphind?
Hannah: No an APHID. d. Aphid....with a d.
Me: A-P-H-I-D?
Hannah: Yes.
Me: What the heck is that?
Hannah: It's what ladybugs eat. A small bug that produces a gooey sticky substance. Like tree sap but not quite.
Me: Where did you learn that?
Hannah: In an outdoor book that Grandma has.
Holy shit! This kid is way smarter than me. Of course as soon as I got to work I looked it up online. I must admit, she said that the bug produces the sap when it actually EATS the sap so she wasn't 100% correct but she was much closer than I ever would have been. And then, just to double check, I went to google and typed in "Do ladybugs eat aphids?" and the first response that came up was: Besides aphids what do ladybugs eat? It was like the internet was mocking my stupidity.
What am I going to do with this kid?
UPDATE: Apparently Hannah wasn't entirely wrong. She also rambled on about something to do with ants and ladybugs that I wasn't totally following (something about ladybugs being afraid of and/or not liking ants) and when I was telling the story to my friend Melissa she told me that apparently ants stroke aphids in order to get them to secrete a milky white substance (like Hannah said) that the ants eat. According to a website I found, the ants like this stuff so much they "take care of the aphids by hiding and protecting them from danger". Since ladybugs eat the aphids I guess Hannah was right about ladybugs not liking ants.
Like I said before, what am I going to do with this kid?
6 months ago
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