Tuesday, July 29, 2008


This coming school I will be heading up the first ever Memorial School yearbook. Because I was taking on that task I decided that I would not be on the PTO Executive Board (last year I was Secretary). But then we were having trouble filling all the positions so I agreed to be the Volunteer Coordinator. As part of the Executive Board we try to select the theme for the fall Family Fun Night during the summer. I chaired this event the first year I was on the PTO (we did an awesome 7 continents/around the world theme) and served on the general committee last year. This year I think we're going to do a Time Travel / History theme which I think would be pretty cool. I do have a degree in history after all. Tracy is trying to convince me to chair this again for the coming year. I must fight the urge to say yes. I really don't want to take all of this on in the fall but I have a feeling I'll be sucked in....at least to serve on the general committee.

1 comment:

Ricky1217 said...

An early warning: Everyone should stay FAR away from Diane during yearbook deadline times!! :)