This morning I put a ban on all tv, computers, and video games. My children have been doing too much of all three this summer. It wasn't too hard to get Hannah to switch to something else. She got out one of her work books and started exercising her brain. In a little while we'll get dressed and head outside.
Jake, on the other hand, was a bit trickier. I told him that we were banning tv, computer, and video games today.
Jake: Why?
Me: Because your brain is going to die.
Jake: No it won't. Brains don't die.
Me: Yes, they watching too much tv. Today you're going to use your imagination. Play with your trains, dig out your something!
A minute later Jake brought me a tub of clay and asked me to open it for him. I was very proud of him. He set himself up at the counter, got out all the clay, and then three minutes later stated matter-of-factly:
Jake: My brain is not dead. Can I watch Pokeman now?
6 months ago
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