Wednesday, December 31, 2008

This sounds familiar....

New Year's Eve 2007:
  • Lincoln working; Diane home with the kids.
  • Substantial snowfall expected.
  • Medical Flex Spending money not yet spent.
  • Jake jumps down the stairs, splits his head open.
  • Diane spends 3 hours in the ER with Jake (Lincoln arrives for last hour)
  • Every last penny of Medical Flex Spending now spent.

New Year's Eve 2008:

  • Lincoln working; Diane home with the kids.
  • Substantial snowfall expected.
  • Medical Flex Spending money not yet spent.

Let's hope the last few items on the 2007 list don't happen tonight. I really don't want to spend another New Year's Eve in the ER.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Like a red flag in front of a bull

Me: I'm going to take the back roads home instead of getting on the highway.

Link: Sounds good but you can't turn left out of here.

Me: Hmm...

Link: You're taking that as a challenge, aren't you?

Procrastination + Pack Rat Tendencies = Success

Five years ago I was at this store in Boston and found these really cool bookends. They've been gathering dust for the past 5 years but I was determined that someday I would use them and therefore they've never been sold or thrown away. Well guess what! I finally found a place to display them!!! See, it may take me awhile to use the things that I buy but eventually they find a home.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I want my Mommy!

Last October my mom and dad came to visit to help me get the house organized after we swapped out the office and Hannah's room. My Mom is insanely organized - and better yet - a woman who likes a very clean house. After a week of them being here my house was insanely clean and organized. My Dad even built shelves in the basement and put my paperback books back into my bookcase for me - IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER!!! I have to admit, the first time I went in to get a book after they left I started crying at the thought of what a kind, considerate man my father is. How many fathers would take the time to alphabetize a bookcase full of romance novels? Great pieces of literature maybe....but romance novels? Not many.

Not only do they clean and organize my house they help me decorate it. It's usually when they come to visit that pictures that I've meant to hang up for years actually make it up on my walls. Last year for Thanksgiving I begged them to come out to visit because I knew my house would actually get decorated for Christmas. Last year we decorated using all six totes of Christmas decorations that we own and our house looked great for the holiday season. This year we put up the tree and put out one decorative holiday house display that I own.

I'm doing great on the organizing projects during my time off. The new office, gym, and master bedroom look great so far. We completely rearranged our bedroom and it looks so much bigger now. I'm also going to redecorate our room with pictures from our trip to Greece along with some beautiful figurines and other decorations we purchased over there. Here's where I need my Mommy....she's a great decorator. She's great at thinking of where to put things and coming up with ideas of how I should display items. I know that if she were here everything would look fantastic. As it is, I wouldn't doubt it if the items from Greece become one of those things that I keep meaning to put up but never get around to.....until Mom and Dad come to visit, of course!

Jake's idea of giving everyone choices they can agree on

Jake: Hannah, do you want to watch Star Wars, play Star Wars, or think about Star Wars? Those are your choices.

Jakey Conversations

Me: Did you get caught up on my blog today?

Link: Yep.

Me: Lot of Jakey conversations, huh?

Link: Well, he does talk a lot.

Moving day....part 2

Today we're finishing up the new office and we turned the old office into a gym complete with the treadmill, rowing machine, stationary bike, and pilates bench. My bookcases, which are always overflowing, are also kept in that room and I had to unload boxes of books into the bookcase today. They had been up in the attic from when we swapped the old office and Hannah's bedroom earlier this summer.

Me: You have got to stop letting me buy hardcover books.

Link: Ha! I don't let you buy anything.

School will be a rude awakening for him

Jake is playing "school" in our new office right now while he sits at Lincoln's desk.

Jake: See Mommy, I'm at school. Look! I'm eating my snack.

Me: Is that what you think school is...eating snacks?

Jake: No...we eat lunch too!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A family activity

Lately Jake has been very big on doing things "we all can agree on". Basically that means he doesn't want to do something that someone else wants to do. Or watch something that someone else chooses. Or play games that someone else has selected. He wants to do the choosing but he covers it by saying "let's do something we all can agree on".

Jake: Let's do something we all agree on.

Me: How about we all go to bed? It's bedtime.

Jake: Nooo.....I don't agree with that.

It sucks being the youngest

We ended up with four desks in the new office (formerly the dining room). Hannah has the "student" desk that she received from Santa this year. I have the desk from our old office upstairs for my PTO stuff and our household bills. We bought a small desk for Lincoln at Staples tonight and then Jake has Hannah's old kids-size computer desk. Jake is VERY upset that he does not have a new desk and that he has the smallest desk in the room.

Jake: I wanna big desk!

Lincoln: Jake, you don't need a big desk. You're little so you get the little desk.

Jake: But why does Hannah get a big desk?

Lincoln: Because she's bigger than you.

Jake: THAT'S NOT FAIR!!! She's cheating.

Lincoln: How? By being born before you?

His reasoning skills always entertain me

There is a small town bar here in Upton called the Rose Garden. It's a great local bar that serves fantastic food. There is a restaurant upstairs that is open on Thursday and Friday nights. The rest of the week you have to eat down in the bar. The kids love going there and we try to go there on either a Thursday or Friday night so that we can eat upstairs. Occasionally we'll take them for lunch because it's not terribly busy downstairs during the day and it's not a problem for the kids to eat at the booths in the bar.

Tonight Hannah had a birthday party from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. so we decided we go out and run some errands with Jake. I told him if he was really good we'd go out to eat and he could choose the restaurant. Of course he chose the Rose Garden.

Jake: Can we go to the Rose Garden?

Me: No sweetie....not tonight. It's Saturday.

Jake: So?

Me: Well the restaurant isn't open and the downstairs will be full of drunken adults.

(long, long pause while he thinks about this)

Jake: You know what I like more than anything Mommy?

Me: What?

Jake: Drunken parents.

(uncontrollable laughter on my part)

I guess he figured if Mommy and Daddy were part of the "drunken adults" downstairs that he could tag along.

Moving Day

After months of never using our dining room for anything other than a storage area, we've finally started the processing of turning it into an office instead. We never use it for dining and our kitchen table, when fully extended, is actually a bigger table anyway. We emptied out the hutch and moved it out of the dining room and then dismantled the table and moved it into the basement. We set up Hannah's new desk and we'll be bringing down our other desk from upstairs once we clear a path down the stairs. By the time we're done there will actually be three desks and a table in there. One desk for Lincoln to run his company from, one desk for Hannah to do her homework on, one desk for the children's computer (we're calling that Jakey's desk so he doesn't feel left out), and one table for me to spread out all my PTO projects on. It's just one of my many projects that I've got on my list. Time is ticking and I only have 9 days left of my vacation.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

Last night the four of us stayed up and played Wii for awhile. It was actually a lot of fun and we had a family "bowl-off". Hannah is really good at the bowling.

Today was a fairly lazy day. The kids slept in a little bit this morning and then came downstairs by themselves and let Lincoln and me stay in bed a little longer than usual. After that we all cleaned up both the front and back living rooms since they looked like a Christmas tornado had blown through them.

Once we got the downstairs cleaned up I headed out for some "day after Christmas" shopping. I was hoping to find some stuff for the master bathroom which I'm hoping to redecorate while I'm off of work these two weeks. I took my nephew Kyle with me since he told me yesterday he's always willing to play chauffeur since he has his driving permit now. He actually did a pretty good job and we even went out on the highway. He drove me to Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, and A.C. Moore because I had also decided to do a few returns while we were out and about.

After that I came home and played Mario Kart on the Wii with Hannah while Lincoln took Jake for a doctor's appointment. Jake has an ear infection although it certainly doesn't seem to be bothering him too much. We have him on antibiotics now and hopefully he'll be all better in the next day or so.

Hannah has a pajama party birthday celebration to go to tomorrow for her friend Christina. They're not actually having a slumber party but she gets to go in her pajamas and they're watching movies and eating pizza and all that fun stuff. It's from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. which is staying up late for some kids but that's about the norm for my two darlings.

That's it for us today. I struck out trying to find stuff for the bathroom. I'm trying to re-decorate around these six beautiful hand-painted tiles that we bought at the Grand Bazaar in Turkey last March but so far no luck. I'm waiting to be inspired.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I guess I have nothing left to learn

Everyone received classes of some sort this year except for me. Jake has been signed up for karate lessons, Hannah will be starting sewing lessons in January, and Lincoln received a gift certificate for cooking lessons at the Culinary Underground.

A few months ago Lincoln told me that when he was in high school he had wanted to go to culinary school. I looked up a local school that does lessons for the general public (as opposed to signing up to get a degree) and he gets to pick out what classes he wants to take.

Here is a picture of Hannah already getting started on her fashion career:

The aftermath

Months of shopping and planning. Lots of stressing to make sure that we buy the same number of gifts and spend the same amount of money on each kid and it's over in 45 minutes. LOL.

The kids had a great time. Hannah came bounding into our room a little before 6:30 a.m. this morning and we were done opening gifts around 7:15 a.m. The kids loved their gifts and they are having a blast playing with them now.

Every year (the years that we're home for Christmas that is) we make egg bake and let it cook while we open presents. Since it takes an hour to cook the egg bake and 45 minutes to open the presents it works out perfectly. Now we have a few hours to play with our new toys before we head over to Grandma and Grandpa Snow's for lunch.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tonight's gifts

Here are a few more pictures from tonight.

Hannah playing the Wii:
Jake reading the book from Rachel and Kevin:

Before and After

When I was a kid I always loved how the tree seemed to have exploded with gifts after Santa came. I try to make it "explode" as much as possible each year which means I don't even put Lincoln's gifts under the tree before Christmas because it helps add to the impact when the kids wake up on Christmas morning.

Before Santa's arrival:
After Santa's arrival:

Christmas Eve gifts

Tonight Hannah and Jake got to open three gifts. They each got one from Auntie Rachie (and Uncle Kevin) which are books that they get to read tonight before bedtime. Hannah was very excited about her new Shel Silverstein book but Jake was a tad bit distracted by the "big gift" that was waiting to be opened.

The other present that they got to open tonight was their Wii. Hannah realized instantly what it was (in the video below she says she asked Santa for it) but Jake was completely clueless until he saw the Super Mario Bros. game.

Tracking Santa....part 2

No, that's not Lincoln singing in the background. That's the Barenaked Ladies.

Tracking Santa

One of the fun things that we do on Christmas Eve is track Santa on NORAD's website ( Currently he is in Burma and we just tracked him as he left Bangladesh. I know it's nerdy but we turn it into a geography lesson for Hannah. We look what city he is and then she finds it on a world map.

Jake, of course, was so excited when I showed him the Google Earth 3D version and he could actually see Santa and his reindeer.

The countdown has begun.

I'm as bad as the kids

It's 8:20 a.m. on Christmas Eve right now and I can't wait for this day to be over. I am so excited for Christmas morning.

Hannah has always gone through life with general excitement about Christmas but it manifests itself more in how she can do things relating to Christmas. It's not so much about the presents that magically appear under the tree (although she does love those) but more about how she can make a gift for Santa or leave him cookies. She's never been terribly excited about the idea of meeting Santa and cares more about the excitement of buying and wrapping gifts.

Jake, on the other hand, is the epitome of what I remember Christmas being like. To him it's about the magic of Christmas. How does Santa get around the world in one night? How does he get into houses that don't have chimneys? Why does Santa do it? How do all the presents just appear? Can Santa really see me when I'm sleeping? When he sees Santa he lights up with excitement.

While Hannah's reaction to Christmas has certainly never been lacking, it's watching Christmas unfold through Jake's eyes that really makes me excited. It's such pure, unadulterated awe and it's beautiful to see.

Today is going to be a looonnng day....for both of us.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I have officially become a hermit

Lincoln and I are getting ready to take the kids out for dinner and to get their haircut and it just occurred to me that I haven't left the house since last Friday when the snow storm started. Don't worry, I've continued to bathe and brush my teeth but I will admit my wardrobe currently consists of rotating sweatpants and tank tops.

Thank God we have these appointments tonight or I probably wouldn't have left the house until Christmas afternoon when we head over to Lincoln's parents' house.

I am, however, wearing my "dress-up" sweatpants out tonight.

Balancing Act

Let me start by saying that Hannah is an incredibly talented, intellectual, well-behaved girl. She is so very different than Jake in many ways. Not that Jake isn't talented and smart but he certainly isn't well-behaved most of the time.

It is such an experience raising two children who could not be more different. From a very early age Hannah was into letters and numbers and learning. She learned to read when she was barely 4 years old and she went from not reading at all to reading a complete book in about 24 hours. It was amazing. She loves to learn and she is constantly looking things up in the dictionary or telling me about interesting scientific facts that she has learned. She even does stuff like this for fun and she rarely gets into trouble but when she does she is easy to discipline because she so badly hates to disappoint Lincoln and me.

Jake on the other hand could seem to care less about learning his letters and his numbers. He can't count as well as Hannah could at this age and he certainly isn't anywhere near reading yet. I don't even think he can do the alphabet perfectly 100% of the time yet. But he's smart in different ways. He's smart in how he looks at the world and tries to figure out how things work. He is constantly asking questions about why something is the way it is. Even more so than Hannah did at the same age. As for behavior....well I just keep telling myself that his personality will make a great CEO of a company someday. He goes after what he wants and doesn't let anything get in his way. Even if that means he wants to walk across the room in a straight line and has to kick his sister in the head on his way because she's in his path.

But I digress....

Jake is so different from Hannah but they are both wonderful in their own ways. Hannah has a head start on him because she is almost 3 1/2 years older than him so she gets to do a lot of things that he doesn't. And she is lavished with praise because she is in school and brings home spelling tests with perfect scores and performs in summer theater programs and dance recitals. Jake doesn't have any of that yet. And typically when they get into a fight we side with Hannah because usually it's something Jake has done (as evidenced by the story above). It's hard to find that balance. We don't want to blame Hannah for something that she didn't do but we also don't want Jake to always feel like we're siding with her. Even writing my Christmas letter this year I struggled to make it even because so much of it was about how well Hannah was doing in school and most of what I have to write about Jake has to do with him being a daredevil or getting into trouble one way or the other.

Believe it or not all of this rambling is to make a point and to tell a story about how even though Hannah is incredibly smart, talented and well-behaved, she can still be incredibly insecure. I spend so much time worrying that Jake is going to feel under-appreciated in this family that I don't always notice how Hannah feels about something.

As many of you know, Jake has an imaginary friend named Papa. He talks about him all the time. As another little side note about how our children are so different, Hannah has never clung to one thing as a "security blanket" in her entire life. She was never hooked on a pacifier. She goes through a rotation of favorite stuffed animals and blankets but there has never been one item that she needs to have in order to feel comfortable. Jake is the complete opposite. While he has a rotation of additional items that he sleeps with, like his stuffed elephant named Elephanty, he cannot survive without Howie, his stuffed duck, and his "birds", a musical crib toy that is still in his bed even though he has long outgrown his crib. He finds comfort in things staying the same and Papa is one of his favorite friends. Because he talks about Papa so much Lincoln and I will have long conversations with him about Papa. A few months ago Hannah started bringing up Sara, her imaginary sister. Sara only ever makes an appearance when Jake talks about Papa. She never brings up Sara on her own.

Yesterday I told the story about how Jake came up with the recipe for the peanut butter/pretzel/marshmallow concoction and how we actually mixed it up and baked it and it was edible. It was actually even good. I was joking with Jake that if he continues to keep coming up with all these edible delights we'd have to publish a children's cookbook called "Jake's Messipes" and he'd be famous. Not long after we made the stuff again last night I was talking on the phone to my Mom and telling her the story about Jake's recipe. I didn't think anything of it at the time but Hannah chose that moment to start pulling all sorts of cookbooks out of the cabinet and she sat down to "look up items that are in recipes" and put together her own "Hannah's special tacos" recipe. Off the top of my head I don't remember what's in it other than flour tortilla shells, popcorn, pretzels, sprinkles and food coloring. Not terribly appetizing.

Lincoln and I were talking about it this morning and that is when it occurred to me just how insecure she is. There I was telling Mom a story about what Jake did and was a success at and Hannah decided she needed to try and succeed at that as well. Lincoln was the one to point out that it was the exact time when I was telling Mom about Jake's recipe that Hannah decided to get out the cookbooks. We don't push Hannah to be perfect at everything but I wonder if that's how she feels some times. God, I hope not.

Having two children is such a balancing act. You want both of your children to develop their own personalities and their own likes and dislikes. Hannah has always been such an "easy" child that I think sometimes I forget that she's not perfect. That she doesn't always know what Lincoln and I are thinking or that no matter what she does in life we will love her and accept her and that she doesn't have to perfect at everything. I worry so much about Jacob but I guess I need to spend more time worrying about Hannah as well. I don't want to screw up the person my child is meant to be because I've just assumed that she has everything she needs to continue being that person. She seems so grown-up sometimes and I really need to remember that she is, in fact, only 7 years old.

And that is the end of my long story. To all of my friends out there that seem to be under the impression that I know what I'm doing as a parent, guess what, I don't. It's a daily learning experience and one I just hope I can make it through.


Hannah's school has been doing a "calendar raffle" fundraiser for the month of December. Each school day they draw a name from the raffle tickets purchased in November and the prizes vary from $50 - $500 and even included a Wii game console. Because today is the last day of school for the year they drew both today's drawing and tomorrow's drawing. Lincoln won the one for tomorrow. $200!!! What a great Christmas Eve present.

Monday, December 22, 2008

As we watch the 1,001st jewelry commercial of the evening

Me: What is wrong with me that I don't care about fancy jewelry?

Link: I don't know...But I don't mind it at all.

Our mailman is back on the "nice" list (for now)

He's still a persnickety ass when it comes to delivering mail when it snows but he did bring me lots of fun stuff today. In addition to the yummy peanut clusters that my Dad made me he also brought me a bunch of holiday cards.

One of the ones I received today was from my friend Cyndi. Unfortunately I lost touch with Cyndi around the time I was pregnant with Jake so I haven't talked to her in years. She sent a note along with a picture of her incredibly adorable son. I am so excited to re-connect with her after all this time.

The other fun card (and adorable family picture) we got was from Lincoln's cousin Kristin. I have never met Kristin or her family but apparently she is a reader of this blog (Hi Kristin!) and presumably got our address from her parents (who also read this blog - Hi Russ and Elaine!). I have so much fun doing this blog and I'm really excited that it has allowed people that wouldn't normally know much about our family and our children a little glimpse into our lives. Hopefully I'll get to meet Kristin and her family someday.

Over the last few weeks we've gotten a number of great family photographs and Christmas cards. I had my children when I was relatively young by today's reproductive societal standards (24 and 27 respectively) but a lot of my friends are just starting out with their families. I love getting the pictures of their children at Christmas. I love looking at all the little babies and toddlers and it makes me think about how fast my own kids are growing up. It's amazing.

Anyhoo....I'm temporarily taking our mailman off the naughty least until the next snowstorm.

Christmas Yummies

Christmas isn't Christmas until I have some of my Dad's peanut clusters. Well guess's Christmas! They just arrived in today's mail.

Yummy, yummy, yummy. Thanks Daddy.

Neither snow nor rain...

You know that old saying about mailmen - "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"? Well, our mail carrier obviously doesn't follow that belief. He is quite the prima donna actually. Our mailman will not deliver our mail unless the area in front of the bank of mailboxes is plowed to his exact specifications. Which, of course, the town does not do. He is very persnickity and God forbid he have to actually stretch his arm out of his car to put the mail in. Luckily our neighbor who lives the closest to the bank of mailboxes usually cleans it out for us. Rich must not have done it on Saturday because our mail never came that today. Hopefully it will come today.

When I was home on maternity leave with Jake the mailman didn't come for 3 days because the mailboxes weren't plowed out to his specification. Our neighbor, Rich, is a fireman and had been on duty for those 3 days. I finally went up there myself and dug it out with a snow shovel. Mind you this was not long after I had given birth. And the area was already plowed, just not the way our mailman likes it.

He is such an ass.

Jake's Messipe

Lincoln loves to cook and bake. He does pretty much all of the cooking and baking around here and Jake has decided that he too wants to bake like Daddy. He comes up with all sorts of strange recipes. So far none of them have required ovens. His favorite sandwich recently was peanut butter and jelly with a layer of Kraft American Cheese.

He has been begging Lincoln to let him try out a new recipe that he thought up and Lincoln was teasing him about it being a "messipe" instead of a "recipe". Lincoln told him that he wasn't going to make them with him but maybe Mommy would bake with him.

After a long pause Jake responded with: "That's FUNNY Daddy!" Obviously he knows Mommy doesn't bake.

I did decide to try the recipe with him this morning and so far this is where it's at. Lincoln and Hannah decided it needs more peanut butter but other than that they were pretty good.

Crushed pretzels mixed with a splash of milk.
Mix in marshmellows melted in a dollop of margarine.
Mix in a spoonful of peanut butter.
Put in mini-muffin pan
Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

We're going to try it again tonight with more peanut butter.

Interestingly enough, Jake refused to try them.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The shovels have been found!

We finally let Jake, Hannah, and Kiki loose out in the snow to go sledding and they managed to find the shovels. One was at the end the driveway and one was laying in the yard between the "garage" and the playset. The other is still MIA.

Check out the snow that Jake is walking in. It pretty much comes up to the bottom of his butt.

48 hours and counting

Snow...part 2

It stopped snowing briefly this morning but more is coming down now. It's very light but it does continue to accumulate. Still no sign of the shovels (obviously).

Saturday, December 20, 2008

28 hours later....

....and it's still snowing.

This is not good

Apparently when the kids finished playing with their shovels last night they laid them down somewhere. The key words being "down" and "somewhere". It's going to make it really hard to shovel the snow if we have to wait for it to melt in order to find the shovels.

Needless to say, this is not the kind of playing in the snow Hannah was hoping to do. She's outside right now digging everywhere they may have possibly put the shovels down. She and Lincoln are tearing up the snow right now and for those of you that know where we live, that's a LOT of territory. We have a long driveway and a huge yard.

Sledding might be off the table for today.

Here is a better picture of the snow

The picture in the post below didn't capture any of the snow that is still falling. Here are a few more pictures. The kids are just itching to get outside in the snow to try out their new sleds. Hannah is just sitting by the sliding glass door just watching the snow. The good news is that we've turned it into a math assignment. She can't go out until 12 noon and it's 10:34 a.m. now so she keeps telling us how many more minutes to go.

Still snowing....

We haven't gotten as much snow as anticipated yet but it's still coming down. It should stop right in time for the next storm to start tomorrow morning.

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Spirit of the Season

Today the kids had their cousin Kiki* over to play. She stayed to have dinner with us and during dinner I was telling her there was a present under the tree with her name on it. That of course started the conversation about when the kids can open presents and what they've asked for from Santa. With three kids and two adults around the table that become a very involved and loud conversation. Out of the craziness Hannah spoke up:

Hannah: You know, it's not the presents that you get. It's about family.

Kiki: (sputtering) Oh...oh....oh please! You got that from a book!

*Kayla is her real name but when Jake was a baby he could only call her Kiki and it stuck. Considering she's a tomboy to the extreme it's pretty hilarious to call her Kiki....or Keeks.

This blog has just proven very useful

I have enjoyed doing this blog for the past few months. I started it this past spring and I have to say it's a great way to keep our family and friends up-to-date on stories that I might otherwise forget to tell people. For example, the skeleton story with Jake earlier this week. It's a good thing that I posted that story. My sister Debbie was checking the blog earlier today and called me right away. She wanted to warn me that maybe Jake shouldn't open his Christmas present from her and Mark because it's an outfit that has a skull and bones graphic on the shirt.

We'll have to be careful with that one!

The Snow Begins

The snow started coming down about an hour ago. The kids are out with their shovels right now with their cousin Kiki.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Here comes a big one!

Massachusetts is bracing for its first big snow storm of the year. A week ago we had a pretty nasty ice storm but it didn't include a whole lot of snow. I told Lincoln that I felt bad looking at all the news reports of the ice storm and the power outages because we weren't touched at all. The day of the ice storm everything West and North of us was hit and everything East and South was fine. We literally sat on the line of the storm.

Well Mother Nature has a way of balancing everything out. I just checked the weather map for tomorrow and while the majority of the state of Massachusetts, and pretty much the entire states of Connecticut and Rhode Island, are looking at 8-12", there is a relatively small circle of the map - with Upton dead center - looking at 12+". Payback is a bitch I guess.

Damn it.....I can no longer procrastinate

After today I am off work until Monday, January 5th. Mentally I am so far into vacation mode it isn't even funny. And yet there is still work on my desk to be done. How can that be? And what truly sucks is I can't put it off until tomorrow. Or even next week. There are very few items on my desk that I can put off until next year. Yes, that's right....NEXT YEAR!!! Can you tell I'm excited to be on vacation? And not return until NEXT YEAR!!! As in not this year. As in NEXT YEAR. And it's only 12/18 today. That's the middle of the month. And I don't have to be back here until NEXT YEAR.


And we think he's not usually paying attention to what is going on around him

Jake only goes to daycare, which we call school, two days a week. Every Thursday he throws a fit because he doesn't want to go to school but once he's there he has a good time. He was obviously paying attention to Hannah on Monday because this is what he tried this morning.

Jake: I don't want to go to school.

Me: But you have to.

Jake: But I have a really big headache!

Me: Ha! Nice try.

Jake: Didn't I just go to school last week?

Me: Yes, you have to go every week.

Jake: But I don't want to go EVERY week!

I have a feeling that once he's in real school, five days a week, he isn't going to be writing essays on how much he loves school and how school should be longer and 7 days a week like his sister does.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jake doesn't have much faith in the power of Mommy but at least he respects my arts and crafts skills

Jake hasn't brought it up again today but last night before he went to bed he crawled into my lap and told me again that he didn't want to be a skeleton. I promised him that Mommy would never let that happen.

Jake: How?

Me: I'll use my special mommy powers to protect you.

Jake: But how will that protect me?

Me: Because a Mommy can do anything.

Jake: But what if my skin falls off anyway?

Me: Then I'll sew it back on for you.

Jake: I don't like needles! They're sharp.

Me: Then I'll glue it back on for you.

And for some reason that seemed to pacify him (at least for now).

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wow...I'm not sure where this came from

Jake was really, really sad/scared earlier. He was clinging to my neck with all his might and barely holding back tears. I'm still not sure what to make of it or where it came from but it all started rather randomly.

Jake: Mommy, I want to be 2 again.

Me: You do? How come?

Jake: I don't wanna get old.

(Mommy laughs)

Me: You don't want to get old, huh?

Jake: No (starting to cry). I don't want to turn into a skeleton.

Me: What!?!

At this point I picked him up to hug him and he was clinging to my neck and repeating over and over that he doesn't want to get old and turn into a skeleton. I didn't know what to do. I kept trying to reassure him over and over again that he isn't going to turn into a skeleton. At first I told him he was never going to turn into a skeleton but he finally said:

Jake: For a really long time?

Me: Yes, I promise you won't turn into a skeleton for a really, really long time. You won't ever turn into a skeleton for like 100 years.

Jake (starting to wail again): But I don't wanna turn into a skeleton!

I asked him where he got this information and he said Grandma [Snow]. I can't imagine what she said to him but he obviously took it the wrong way. While he was clinging to my neck I was looking at Lincoln over Jake's head and he was just looking back at me and shaking his head like "Wow, I don't know what to say to this one."

We seemed to get him calmed down and he went off to play in the living room for awhile. I sat down to do this post and he just came back over to crawl in my lap and once again tell me he doesn't want to get old and he doesn't want to become a skeleton. He's really upset about this.

I hope this isn't something that haunts him for a long time (no pun intended). I'm really not sure what to make of this. While it's heartbreaking to have him so upset I have to say it's pretty funny to hear a 4 year old complaining about getting old.

Let the holidays begin!!!

My company holiday party was last night and it was a huge success. It's a lot of planning on my part but it's all worth it when I see everyone having such a great time. I was very happy with how everything turned out.

After today I only have to work on Friday and then I'm done for two weeks! We are closed after December 19th and don't reopen the office until January 5th. I can't wait. Tomorrow and Thursday I'm taking a few vacation days that I have to burn off. I have to finish up my shopping and get started on wrapping everything. I haven't wrapped a single thing yet. I can't believe Christmas is just over a week away.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A new marketing plan

Me: I'm not digging some of the highlights in my hair these days.

Link: What's wrong with them?

Me: They're not warm and golden. Some of them are more "middle-aged, trailer-dwelling housewife, possibly with a drunken abusive husband who gets her hair overprocessed at the local Clip 'n Curl in town."


Link: Do you think Clairol sells that?

I am such a weak parent

When I was a kid my mother made me go to school every day unless I had a fever or was throwing up. I still remember one day in 7th grade when I felt terrible and she made me go to school and I ended up having an embarrassing puking incident in the hallway after Miss Kuhn's English class. Obviously it scarred me for life.

Hannah gets stomach aches a lot. And headaches. Things you can't really see or test for like you can puking or a fever. Usually I channel my mother and make her go to school anyway. This morning when I came downstairs she was complaining about both. Lincoln was looking at me over her head and shrugging. We usually try not to countermand each other's parenting, especially in front of the kids, and I had no idea what he had already said to her. I assumed that since he didn't say "Hannah is staying home from school today" when I walked in the room, that he hadn't said much to her about it so I told her she needed to try and eat something, rest for the 50 minutes until the bus came, and then try to go to school. If she didn't feel well she could go down to Nurse Ryan's office. Then the waterworks started. Her face crumpled and she just looked so devastated and miserable that I told her she could stay home with Grandma today.

I'm such an easy mark sometimes. I did, however, get a promise out of her that she's to start eating healthier...including vegetables. Let's see how long that lasts.

Sometimes having a wimpy child is a good thing

Jake has been such a wimp lately. He doesn't like to go into a room alone even if he can see the rest of us from that other room. He doesn't like to sit at the end of the kitchen table with his back to the hallway. He doesn't like to go upstairs alone. He's just a 'fraidy cat lately.

This morning Lincoln got up around 6 a.m. and got in the shower. About 5 minutes later Jake came in our room and climbed into bed with me while I was trying to fall back asleep.

Jake: Mommy, where's Hannah?

Me: Asleep.

Jake: Why is she asleep?

Me: Because it's still dark outside.

Jake: Why is it still dark outside?

Me: Because it's very early and everyone should be asleep right now.

Jake: Why is it still early?

Me: Because it's only 6:15 in the morning. Now please close your eyes and try to go back to sleep.

Jake: But I want to go downstairs.

Me: Go right ahead. It's cold and dark down there.

(silence...sweet, blessed silence)

He thinks he's so clever

Me: Jakey, you need to go pee in the potty. If you have an accident we'll have to take something away from you until you can be accident-free again.

Jake: But I don't want to go potty.

Me: What do you think we should take away from you if you pee in your pants?

Jake: Well, I'm bored with my train table....

Me: It has to be some you love to play with.

Jake: Oh, I LOOOVE my train table. Yep.


There is an item that I really wanted to get Hannah but the price has recently been moving in the wrong direction. It was originally $24 on Amazon with free shipping but I didn't buy it because I was keeping an eye out for sales. AC Moore, a local craft store, advertised it for $24.99 the weekend before Thanksgiving so I headed down to pick it up. They didn't have it in stock so I got a rain check and they said they'd call me when they got them in. I then went home and decided I would order it from Amazon since it was the same price. Well, it wasn't anymore! It was now hovering in the high $50's / low $60s depending on what day I checked online. I couldn't believe it.

I had pretty much given up on getting this gift for Hannah when AC Moore called me on Saturday to tell me it was in and they were holding it for me! I couldn't believe. I went down yesterday and picked it up and it is safely hidden in the basement. It's a good thing that I got the rain check because the regular price of the item at AC Moore is $39.99.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Party Time!

Tomorrow night is the holiday party that I'm in charge of for my office. We have 125 people coming and I have to finalize all the details today. I'm actually pretty excited for the party. Last year it really stressed me out because I completely changed the party from what we've done in the past. It was a huge success so I'm pretty much just repeating the party again this year with a few minor changes. It's also the last big thing that I have to accomplish for the year so once I'm done with this my stress should really lighten up until January. My office has almost 2 weeks off around the holidays and since I have some vacation left that I have to burn off I'll actually be off for a little over 2 weeks. I can't wait.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Jake's boxing gloves

For Jake's birthday we got him a child-sized punching bag and gloves. We're hoping to channel some of his excess energy. He enjoys them so much that tonight he even wore his gloves while watching tv. Of course he has them on the wrong hands but hey, baby steps, right?


In Massachusetts our school teach with an eye towards the MCAS exam which is similar to the Iowa Basic Skills and the equivalent in any other state. One of the things required on the MCAS exam is that you have to show how you reached an answer in math. And I don't mean 2+2=4. They have to explain and show why 2+2=4 and/or how you know 2+2=4. And saying that you just know that 2+2=4 doesn't count.

On one of her assignments Hannah had to answer the following question:

After picking cherries Sally and Jake were hungry. Sally ate 11 cherries and Jake ate 17 cherries. How many cherries did they eat?

Here is how Hannah answered the question based on the MCAS guidelines:

I know that 11-1=10
I know that 17-7=10
I know that 10+10=20
I know that 7+1=8
I know that 20+8=28

Now doesn't that seem like a lot of useless steps to you? As opposed to saying 1+7=8, 1+1=2, put the two together and you've got 28. Maybe it's just me. Math certainly isn't my field of expertise. But here's the kicker....she showed the first 5 steps but then forgot to recap her thought process by saying that since those 5 steps are true then 11+17=28 and therefore she got marked down as "below the standard" because the directions said "Write an equation."


This post will probably only be exciting for my Mom....and possibly my sister

Here are photos of our new washing machine. Mom suggested I get one with a glass door so you can see the clothes washing and Debbie suggested I look at the top loading washers without agitators. We took both pieces of advice and this is what we came up with.......
I have to admit, it's pretty cool looking down through the top and watching it wash. Don't be surprised if a video shows up on this blog in the next few days.

Yes, that is how exciting my life is these days.

Maybe I should have taken a canoe to work

Normally that body of water is the left couple of lanes of the road I take to work. So far it has rained 3+ inches. I guess we should just be glad it isn't snow since they say for every inch of rain you get a foot of snow. We would have been buried under that for days.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Introducing Bob....and the demise of Bob.

I don't think this video cleary shows how crafty this was. She learned it from a kid at school. I laughed everytime. I told her to do it the regular pace and then slow it down for her viewing audience. Then I made her go through it even slower. It's hard to see the markings on her hands in the video but hopefully she explains it well enough.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Not for those with weak stomachs

This is the uncleanable, stinky funk in our washing machine. Disgusting, isn't it?

Our new washing machine is being delivered tomorrow. Lincoln called Maytag today and they are sending us a check for 15% of the cost of our new one. Considering that we missed the Class Action lawsuit by 3 years, and I'm not even 100% sure I could lay my hands on our receipt from 2001 when we purchased the machine, I think that's pretty good.

Babies are fun

My friend Kathryn, who had her first baby 3 1/2 weeks ago, came into the office today to do some HR paperwork in regards to her maternity leave. She brought her beautiful little girl in with her and I got to babysit while she did her stuff. Looking at this little bundle, who right now is a little bit bigger than Hannah when she was born but smaller than Jake was, it is hard to remember my children ever being that tiny. They grow up so fast.

When I told Lincoln I was going to be babysitting today he said he didn't think he would remember how to hold a 3 1/2 week old anymore. I have to say, it comes back to you pretty quickly. I even had her cradled in my left arm while I worked on my computer with my right hand. I did that a lot with Jake when I was on maternity leave because I worked from home for a few months.

Ahh.....the good ol' days.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The powers of the human brain

Jake: What are you doing?

Me: Reading my book.

Jake: But you're just looking at it. You're not talking.

Me: I know. I'm reading it in my head.

Jake: Huh?

Me: My brain is reading the book.


Jake: hmm

My belief in the spirit of the season has been restored

Around this time of year people can get a wee bit cranky. Especially if they work in customer service and have to deal with a ton of people purchasing items for the holidays.

I ordered a few odds and ends for our company holiday party on 12/2 from Oriental Trading. It had free ground shipping and an "estimated arrival date" of 12/12. I figured that I'd probably be fine although it was cutting it a little close since the holiday party is on 12/15. I realized on my drive in this morning that I still hadn't received a shipping notification so I called to check on my order. If necessary I was going to pay to upgrade the order so that I had it in time for the party.

I called and asked her the status of the order and she said the items were "picked" from the stock room already and ready to ship but hadn't. She then said that she'd call down to the shipping department and make sure it went out today AND she'd upgrade me to free overnight shipping. I didn't even ask for any of that! I just asked what the status of the order was. She was fantastic.

I hope all her holiday wishes come true.

A new reason to travel (like I really needed one)

I think Virgin America airlines is going to be my new favorite airline. Right now I'm a pretty dedicated JetBlue girl but VA has major potential. They only service a handful of American cities right now but Boston and Seattle are two of them. I don't think they have direct service though. As cool as the planes appear to be I'm okay with that. The more time on the plane the better. They have mood lighting on the planes. And you can order fresh food from the TV console on the back of the seat in front of you. Additionally you can plug in your laptop or other electronics with all sorts of plug-ins and outlets. AND you can chat with people in other seats. Isn't that cool? I'm a big IMer and to be able to chat with the other people you're traveling with is super cool. Play around on their website. It's pretty cool but you need to be able to view fancy graphics and whatnots:

I want to fly somewhere!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Reason 1,001 why I should not work where I do

I work for a major concert promoter. For our company holiday party my friend Melissa puts together a "Name that Tune" game. She always makes me take it for practice even though I know NOTHING about music. I think she just likes to try and make her head explode.

I scored 3 out of a possible 68 points. Pretty bad huh? And one of them I only got because she forced me to make a guess and I got it right. She wouldn't, however, give me 1/2 point for guessing the movie that one song came from and she didn't give me 1/2 point for picturing the right guy in my head but calling him by the wrong name. I think that was very mean of her. I totally should have scored 4 out of 68.

Melissa: Did you even listen to music before you came to work here?

Me: I don't even listen to music now that I do work here.


I ordered my Blackberry Storm today. I can't wait for it to arrive.

Being four can hurt

Mommy: How does it feel to be 4?

Jake: I have a tummy ache.

No more 3-year-old kisses

Last night at bedtime Jake gave me his last 3-year-old kisses. This morning I was greeted by a 4 year old!!!

Happy Birthday Jake!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Birthday thoughts

Whenever Hannah has a birthday I think to myself "I'm can't believe I have a 7 year old" or whatever age she is turning. When Jake has a birthday I think to myself "Wow, I'm never going to have a three year old again after tomorrow." I have to say, as much as I want Jake to get past the 3 year old stage, his birthday's are always much sadder for me.

Have we finally reached a turning point?

Jake just woke up from his nap, during which he was wearing a pull-up, and he informed me that "babies wear diapers and pull-ups but big boys wear big boy pants and that's what he wants to wear".



Yesterday Jake received a truck carrying case for his birthday. It comes with 17 vehicles in it - 16 cars and a semi-truck. This morning he and Hannah were playing with them and the cars were stuck in a traffic jam (can you tell we leave near a big city?). The 17 vehicles were all in a line with the semi truck at the very end.

Jake (holding onto the semi): This guy likes to be in traffic so that he can listen to soft, soft music.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Joker

By the way, the joker mouth Jake is sporting in the picture below is courtesy of the fruit punch he was drinking. Not some wintery rash around his mouth.

Birthday Party #1

This morning was Jake's "kid" party. He chose to go Pinz which is a bowling alley and arcade. We had two lanes so we put the older kids (Hannah, Hunter, and Kali) on one lane and all the 3 and 4 year olds (of which there were 5 of them) on the other lane. Two more of Jake's friends, Coby and Nate, showed up after the bowling part but before the arcade part. The kids had a great time bowling and then we had pizza and cake. After presents they got to go play in the arcade. Part of the birthday party package is a $5 arcade card for each kid along with 100 instant points for the Prize Redemption Center.

Here are a few pictures from Jake's party today.

P.S. So far today he has kept his pants dry (and clean) despite the excitement of his birthday party. We gave him the deadline of his 4th birthday for potty training and he's been doing pretty good lately. We'll see how he continues to do.
P.P.S. We've been home from Jake's party and I already have the Thank You notes done and ready to mail and the pictures on the blog. Am I good or what?

Birthday Party Day!

Today is Jake's birthday party - parties actually - so he's very excited. He is having a bowling party this morning with his friends from school and then we're having Lincoln's family over tonight for the family party.

Tomorrow we get to go shopping for a new washing machine. It definitely won't be a relaxing weekend but I've only got a couple more weeks until my office is closed for two weeks. I can't wait.

Friday, December 5, 2008


So apparently our washing machine has some sort of moldy gunk in it. Guess who is going appliance shopping this weekend?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

She has no leg to stand on

Tonight was my PTO board meeting. Due to the holiday we had it at Stephanie's house and had wine and appetizers with a Yankee Swap gift exchange. We also had a fairly spirited discussion about one of the agenda items (possibly due to the wine consumption). There was a lot of teasing and ribbing each other going on back on forth - some of it with language not appropriate around children (luckily there were none present).

Denise: Uh!....The vulgar language!

Diane: Oh please! I went to New Orleans with you. You can drop the virgin maiden act!

I love these girls!

How Prophetic

Last year after my hellish winter season at work I got a Zen garden for my desk. It has a little fountain, a candle, and a sand area that you can rake. Very relaxing. My friend Melissa came in the office earlier and asked me where it was. I pointed to the pile of folders on my filing cabinet and said "Under there."

I've buried my zen under my stress.

Beautiful Sunrise

It's gorgeous outside my office window. Yes, sadly I'm watching the sunrise from work. I've been here since 5:45 a.m. this morning. Ick.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I love my husband.

As previously stated my "to do" list is a little overwhelming right now. Last night Lincoln stuffed and stamped almost all of our Christmas cards while I wrote out all the addresses. Today he ordered Jake's birthday cake and went back to Staples to order more holiday card pictures for the rest of our Christmas card mailing list. He is also coordinating the family birthday party for Jake on Saturday night. This is in addition to the fact that he does at least 80% of the household chores (and that is being quite generous to myself). He is truly perfect. I don't know how women who don't have a Lincoln do it.

I love you honey!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Panic attack to commence right about......NOW!

108. That is how many items are on my "to do" list for the next few days/weeks. Most of those are work related. A handful are personal. Not included on there is anything having to do with Jake's birthday or either of his parties. It doesn't include mailing out my Christmas cards or wrapping any gifts. It doesn't include the food items I need to make for various holiday parties this month. It doesn't include a lot. I take it back....I thought I was going to have a panic attack before but now that I think about it I'm too busy for a panic attack.

December is my worst month at work. It looks like this week is the week I'll start with the 13 hour days and the 5:00 a.m. arrival time at the office. Lunch? What is lunch? If I'm lucky I'll remember to eat at my desk. Daylight? I won't be seeing it anymore except possibly on the weekends or if I remember to look out my office window during the day. Of course I can't come in early tomorrow morning because Hannah has a dentist appointment. And I can't stay late the next night because I have a PTO Board Meeting. Ugh!!!

I just have to keep telling myself that I have two weeks off coming up......I will survive.

I think.

Where does the time go?

Every spring I say to myself "If we can just get through spring everything will settle down". Then summer comes along and we're super busy and I say to myself "If we can just through summer everything will settle down once school starts." With the beginning of school things never settle down so I say "If we can just get through Christmas everything will settle down after the New Year." You can see where I'm going with this.

December is always a busy month. Not only is it busy for me at work because of the holiday party that I'm in charge of and all my year end duties that I have to complete before we close for the holiday break but it's also Jake's birthday month which means a kid party and a family party. Add in my usual two PTO meetings a month, my Executive Assistant's Group holiday event, and that pesky little task called Christmas shopping and you've got a busy month. I also try to take the kids to a Christmas show at the Wang Theater and this year they're putting on "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". We're going to see that on December 13th so the kids are really excited.

The good thing is that my company closes for about 2 weeks around the holidays so I have time at home to catch up on things that I never do during the year. Last year during the break I organized 7 years worth of back filing that we had in boxes in the attic. This year my hope is to file all our 2008 documents and then paint the master bathroom and clean our bedroom which seems to be the dumping ground for random boxes of stuff. We spent a pretty penny on some beautiful hand-painted tiles at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and I want to redecorate the bathroom around the tiles.

Other than that 2009 is looking pretty quiet so far. I know that's going to change. As Lincoln said this morning when I pointed out we didn't have much on the calendar yet for January he said "Yet. It's only December 2nd after all."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Paying the Price

I guess having a 5-day weekend for Thanksgiving actually comes with a price. I've been swamped at work today. In fact, where did the day go? I feel like I just got here and now it's time to go home.