My friend Kathryn, who had her first baby 3 1/2 weeks ago, came into the office today to do some HR paperwork in regards to her maternity leave. She brought her beautiful little girl in with her and I got to babysit while she did her stuff. Looking at this little bundle, who right now is a little bit bigger than Hannah when she was born but smaller than Jake was, it is hard to remember my children ever being that tiny. They grow up so fast.
When I told Lincoln I was going to be babysitting today he said he didn't think he would remember how to hold a 3 1/2 week old anymore. I have to say, it comes back to you pretty quickly. I even had her cradled in my left arm while I worked on my computer with my right hand. I did that a lot with Jake when I was on maternity leave because I worked from home for a few months.
Ahh.....the good ol' days.
6 months ago
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