My mother is a very organized lady who likes a clean house with little clutter. I'm a very organized lady (at work and with the PTO) who has a house that looks like a tornado hit it and is resided in by a pack rat (that would be me). Right now, after the activities of the past few weeks, my house is worse than usual. Hannah's room is only half done thanks to the fact that I never finished sorting out her toys. The office is full of boxes and other random shit which I just haven't had a chance to organize. I was so desperate for Mom to come out and visit and help me get my shit together that I actually sent her a picture of Hannah's room yesterday. She had been leaning towards not coming but last night she called to say they were booking their tickets. I'm sure it took her awhile to recover from the mild heart attack she had looking at those photos but hey, whatever works.
Whenever my parents come to visit they always leave my house in better shape than when they came. When Lincoln and I took 10 days to go to Greece and Turkey last March we came back to a small piece of heaven. New shelves put in, closets and cabinets organized, and general cleanliness. One time when they visited they even shampooed all my carpets. I'm telling's great. Except when it isn't. Mom cleaned my house from top to bottom while I was in the hospital having Jake and I couldn't find anything when I got home. Normally that isn't as big of an issue (I just call her and say "hey, where did you put the spatulas") but you just can't stress out a hormonal woman like that right after she gave birth.
But I is great that she is coming and I can't wait for her to swoop in and save the day when it comes to my house. Of course I blame some of my messy ways on her since she always cleaned up after me while I was growing up. I do believe I was in college before I realized that my bed didn't actually make itself when I was in the shower each morning.
Lincoln, on the other hand, is a little stressed about them coming. When I told him last night that they were coming he started working on a list of all the things he wants to get done before they're here so that they don't see how little we've done since the last time they were here. He also started putting together a grocery list of items we need before their arrival like the preferred type of hand soap that my mother likes. Because he's great like that while I just want my Mommy to come help me.
4 months ago
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