When I was a kid my mother made me go to school every day unless I had a fever or was throwing up. I still remember one day in 7th grade when I felt terrible and she made me go to school and I ended up having an embarrassing puking incident in the hallway after Miss Kuhn's English class. Obviously it scarred me for life.
Hannah gets stomach aches a lot. And headaches. Things you can't really see or test for like you can puking or a fever. Usually I channel my mother and make her go to school anyway. This morning when I came downstairs she was complaining about both. Lincoln was looking at me over her head and shrugging. We usually try not to countermand each other's parenting, especially in front of the kids, and I had no idea what he had already said to her. I assumed that since he didn't say "Hannah is staying home from school today" when I walked in the room, that he hadn't said much to her about it so I told her she needed to try and eat something, rest for the 50 minutes until the bus came, and then try to go to school. If she didn't feel well she could go down to Nurse Ryan's office. Then the waterworks started. Her face crumpled and she just looked so devastated and miserable that I told her she could stay home with Grandma today.
I'm such an easy mark sometimes. I did, however, get a promise out of her that she's to start eating healthier...including vegetables. Let's see how long that lasts.
6 months ago
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