There is a small town bar here in Upton called the Rose Garden. It's a great local bar that serves fantastic food. There is a restaurant upstairs that is open on Thursday and Friday nights. The rest of the week you have to eat down in the bar. The kids love going there and we try to go there on either a Thursday or Friday night so that we can eat upstairs. Occasionally we'll take them for lunch because it's not terribly busy downstairs during the day and it's not a problem for the kids to eat at the booths in the bar.
Tonight Hannah had a birthday party from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. so we decided we go out and run some errands with Jake. I told him if he was really good we'd go out to eat and he could choose the restaurant. Of course he chose the Rose Garden.
Jake: Can we go to the Rose Garden?
Me: No sweetie....not tonight. It's Saturday.
Jake: So?
Me: Well the restaurant isn't open and the downstairs will be full of drunken adults.
(long, long pause while he thinks about this)
Jake: You know what I like more than anything Mommy?
Me: What?
Jake: Drunken parents.
(uncontrollable laughter on my part)
I guess he figured if Mommy and Daddy were part of the "drunken adults" downstairs that he could tag along.
6 months ago
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