Months ago Lincoln and I decided that we were going to get the kids a Wii for Christmas. Of course they're a pain in the ass to find but we finally found one yesterday. The plan was for that to be from Santa. Yesterday morning, while the kids are in the room, Lincoln slips me a note that reads:
Santa can go "f" himself. I want us to get credit for that Wii.
I burst out laughing and of course the kids wanted to know why but we didn't tell them. I then put the note in the shredder. So now the plan is that Mommy and Daddy are giving them a Wii and any accessories or games will have to come from Santa.
6 months ago
LOL! Sounds like someone will be getting coal in their stocking with that attitude.
LOL. That totally made my Monday morning. I am making Aaron read this now. LOL! For real!
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