Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Funky Monkey Dance as performed by Jake with Lincoln playing the role of Sock Monkey

I'm enjoying going through all my old photos and videos of the kids. I am so glad that we live in an era where having a video camera is as easy as carrying my camera in my purse. The night this was filmed was absolutely hilarious but I honestly wouldn't have remembered it if I hadn't come across this video on my laptop.

This activity went on in the kitchen for a really long time and what you're seeing is only a small part of it. Hannah and I were laying on the floor laughing our butts off. Jake was so entertained by the "Funky Monkey" dance that Lincoln was doing with one of those old sock monkeys. Remember those?

Judging from what he is wearing I'm pretty sure this was Easter night 2006 which would make Jake about 16 months old. Here he is that same day at Grandma and Grandpa Snow's house:

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm not sure what's funnier in that video, Lincoln or Jake, lol!

Definitely made me laugh, too cute!