Sometimes getting Hannah to get herself ready for school in a timely fashion is harder than making a working space ship out of paper clips. And then sometimes she really surprises the hell out of me.
I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning when she woke up and came downstairs. I asked her if she wanted to empty the dishwasher. (She's at that stage where the idea of having chores is actually exciting to her.) She emptied the dishwasher and then sat down to eat her breakfast. Jake had already eaten and was playing Star Wars. Once she finished eating I told her that I had to run up and take a shower and that she was in charge of Jake until I got back.
I came downstairs about 30 minutes later and not only had she gotten herself dressed she had changed Jake's Pull-Up, had him try to go pee in the potty, and brushed his teeth and hair. She also had brushed her own teeth and hair. The only thing she didn't do was get him dressed. I quickly got him dressed and started gathering our bags together. While I did that she put on Jake's shoes and coat and then put on her own.
She was SUCH a great helper today. I don't know what got into her today but I like it.
6 months ago
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