An IM conversation between Hannah and I. Yes, she knows how to IM. This exchange was not edited in any way...I just cut and pasted it. And after I asked her to send Lincoln back into the kitchen she was completely on her own at her computer.
me: hey i love you
Hannah: what?
me: i love you
Hannah: I love you more
me: not possible
send daddy back in here
i need to talk to him
Hannah: OK!
me: thanks
Hannah: your welcome!
me: actually, it would be you're welcome. you're is the contration you are
that should be "contraction" .
Hannah: Oh,that's Ok!
me: do you understand the difference between you're and your?
Hannah: no.
me: your means your. you're means you are. as in, that's your computer you're on.
or as daddy just corrected me, your means "belonging to you". you're means "you are"
get it?
Hannah: Oh
me: so, in the phrase, your a smart cookie...should i use your or you're?
Hannah: you're
me: WOOHOO! you're super smart you smart cookie
Hannah: thanks
6 months ago
A few years down the road, when her friends send her personalized M&M's taunting her grammar retentiveness, she's going to hate you.
I love it. I think the conversations between you and your kiddos are my favs. :-)
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