Hannah has always been a snuggler. She loves to curl up and snuggle on the couch with me. Back when she used to wake up before I did she would come sneaking into our bedroom as soon as she woke up and come to my side of the bed to wake me up. I would then lift up the comforter and scoot back on the bed so she could curl up with me under the covers and go back to sleep.
Jake on the other hand has never been a snuggler. His idea of snuggling lasts about 30 seconds when we're lucky. It lasts 0.5 seconds on a regular day. He also doesn't sneak quietly into our room when he wakes up. He usually just announces his presence very loudly from his own room, making sure he wakes up as many people as possible so they are aware that he's awake and hungry.
Imagine my surprise this morning when I open my eyes and Jake is standing next to my side of the bed. Out of habit I lifted up the comforter and scooted back on the bed. Jake climbed right on up and snuggled up against me. He got all comfortable and then said "I like you Mommy". For Jake that is a HUGE statement. You see, when Jake is being particularly naughty or mean I tell him that Daddy and I will always love him but when he's being mean to other people we don't always like him. So to him, like is much better than love.
Jake was so snuggly this morning that I didn't want to move a muscle because it might break the snuggling spell that was over my son. I'm one of those people that have to get up and go to the bathroom the second I wake up but I didn't care that Jake's curls were tickling my nose or that my bladder was about to pop. This was a moment in time that was too precious to ruin.
That lasted all of 12 minutes. Hey, what can I say, after 2 kids my bladder is no longer made of steel. I told Jake I was going to the bathroom and ran in there. I figured when I came out he'd be up and wanting to go downstairs but when I got back he was still in bed. I climbed back in bed and he snuggled up against me again. I couldn't believe it! Finally he started to get a little restless so he started climbing under the covers and building a "tent" between Lincoln and I. He told me I could come in the tent with him and told me to bring my legs under. Then he made me laugh by asking why my legs were "spiny". I guess that means I need to shave today.
Anyway, it was the most magical 25 minutes I have spent with Jake in a long time and one of those moments I will always remember. He's growing up so fast and since he's always been more of a fighter than a lover, it was all that more special to me. I was very proud of myself though, I didn't get teary eyed until after it was over because that would have really freaked him out.
6 months ago
1 comment:
Awwwww, how sweet! Don't worry, I am getting all teary eyed for you! :-)
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