I got a call from Hannah's school this morning that Hannah was in the nurse's office sobbing, not just crying but "sobbing", that she hurt all over. She also had a fever of 101 degrees and a red throat. I called Grandma Snow and asked her to go down and pick Hannah up and bring her home. Luckily Grandma Dena is still here at the house with us until tomorrow morning so she put Hannah down for a nap and I called for a doctor appointment. Hannah had started out today complaining of back pain so my first concern was a kidney infection.
Mom and I just got back from taking Hannah to the doctor. She has an ear infection (which I totally wasn't expecting), a throat infection (but not strep), and a potential (but not likely and not confirmable for two days) kidney infection. The doctor put her on an antibiotic which should cover most of those bases and we need to take her back in 2 weeks.
After leaving the doctor's office we went to the pharmacy to get her prescription and then brought her home. I didn't want her to take the medicine on an empty stomch so she sat down and ate some saltines and drank some flat lemon lime soda that we had left out before we went to the doctor's. She was sitting at one end of the table and I was sitting in the middle setting up my laptop to work when she stood up and gave me a funny look. I made the comment "wow, you really do have sick eyes" and she didn't say anything. Then a little dribble started coming out of her mouth and then the next thing you know..WHAMO! Projectile vomiting everywhere. Lovely.
For those of you without children let me explain "sick eyes". They're truly pathetic. They are usually a little glassy, sometimes watery, and always filled with such misery you can almost touch it. It's horrible. I hate sick eyes.
So, needless to say, the piano recital tonight is out. Her final Little League game tomorrow night is also likely to be a no-go. This week is definitely not going according to schedule.
6 months ago
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