We finally made it to Rachel and Kevin's house in Madison, WI. Our 11 hour day turned into a 12 hour and 45 minute day. We hit some really bad traffic going around Chicago. Add a lot of crappy weather and it made for a less than fun ride but the kids did fantastic. Lincoln got the crankiest out of all of us towards the end but with the exception of my 90 minutes of driving earlier in the day he had done all the driving up until that point. He deserved to be cranky. We stopped just outside of Chicago to get gas and switch drivers before I did the last 90 minutes of our drive for the safety of everyone on the road. And when I'm the safer driver that's saying something.
I think that had we been able to avoid the traffic around Chicago and the 90 minutes of sitting in the Great Potato Wedge Debacle it would have actually been closer to a ten or ten and a half hour drive instead of eleven.
We got to Rachel and Kevin's house at 8:00 p.m. Central Time and they had some cold beers, a nice bottle of wine, and a fantastic dinner waiting for us. Now Hannah and Rachel are dancing in the living room while Kevin and Jake are playing with "rods and balls" (i.e. Magnetix). Lincoln and I are sitting on the couch drinking and watching the four of them. We have happily passed off parenting duties to Rachel and Kevin for the next 12 hours.
6 months ago
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