Thursday, July 9, 2009

Isn't this always the way?

A few months ago I lost my glasses. It wasn't long after Hannah had gotten her new glasses and I had lectured her about the responsibility of having eye glasses. My prescription isn't terribly strong and I really only need them for watching movies/TV and driving, particularly at night. I put off getting new ones because I figured the old ones would turn up eventually. I finally caved in and got new ones this week. Well guess what I found tonight? Yep, my glasses. And in the most obscure place possible. They were tucked into a small cranny (or possibly a nook) that had been created on one of my desk shelves stacked with empty binders and colored paper that I use for PTO projects. I have literally been sitting right in front of them for MONTHS!!! I suppose I can console myself by telling myself I have a spare pair now........

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